the purpose of the holy spirit pdf

1. A.W. —And finally, the object, subject, and purpose of my praise and worship, the only One we should worship, the Omnipotent Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, His mani-fested presence in flesh, and Holy Spirit… << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> He is not a vague, ethereal shadow, nor an impersonal force. stream Purpose of the Holy Spirit II (The Move of God) Page 3 of 5 (January 20, 2019) 3 Genesis 1: 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. To know the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how to have a relationship with Him, we must know His functions. N�|��}#:����]�� ��f�@5ٚ�����/yd.h2��5}(A�&B�CҜ�`�7������+�pj,D��_���ӝ���Vȉ���ΐ��q��V�� Discerning the Life and Purpose of the Holy Spirit Since the Holy Spirit indwells within us and it is a promised gift from God, it is important to know something about the attributes and qualities of that Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the trinity, co-equal with the Father and the Son. Jesus gave the Spirit as a “compensation” for His absence, to perform the functions toward us which He would have done if He had remained personally with us. The life of Jesus was saturated with the Presence of the Holy Spirit. We should not be looking around for some other way. We are immersed in the Holy Spirit, not immersed by the Holy Spirit or immersed with the Holy Spirit. I don’t even know what Bible to read because there are so many that … Living Your Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit . In believers - The Holy Spirit will provide special enablement for spiritual tasks as in Old Testament times (Acts 2:17-21). ‘I will put my Holy Spirit … x�]]���u�ׯ��U�x�5���06,�Np��P)����.�6��Lp���~�n��=�$U1T��Z���9}�Cj������p ?�s;]�������_�?z竮}�U{r��������z.�|i���2���y���c;�7����G��]۵������}�}��G�b�L�|@����]�3ڏDZً��3 Holy means to be set apart, separated, or sanctified. Acts 13:2 While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them." _____ * The term "Holy Ghost" used in the Bible refers to the Holy Spirit. Dwell in us. 1. Holy Spirit is often described as the “Third Person of the Trinity”, which means he is a member of the triune Godhead and he too should be honored and adored. In Matthew 12: 28 Jesus said He drove out demons by the Spirit … All the divine attributes ascribed to the Father and the Son are equally “But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness. The role of the Holy Spirit: to give us strength and help in our fight against sin. 4 0 obj 4:30). Before He returned to heaven, Jesus said, “… you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit … But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” Acts 1:5-8. Now when we look at his name, “Holy Spirit”, we see his purpose revealed. The Spirit of God takes part in creation week by moving on the waters in Gen. 1:2. %PDF-1.3 The Holy Spirit was to be released after Jesus ascension. Therefore, the expression, "baptized in the Holy Spirit" will be the one used in this presentation. Spirit of the Lord’ (Micah 3:8). The constant use of such expressions as: “I need more of it,” or “it ought to be studied more” or “It is a great source of power,” is indicative of a lack of knowledge. 43 : destiny . Study 1 - The Holy Spirit Is God The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and can also be referred to as: • The Spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9, 1 Peter 1:11) • The Spirit of Holiness (Romans 1:4) • The Spirit of Our God (1 Corinthians 6:11) The Trinity is one God in three persons, just as we have one %��������� A Survey of Old Testament Teachingiii Pentateuch In Genesis the Spirit of God is clearly mentioned twice with a third reference possible. Rather than depending on our human reasoning, we have a supernatural guide in the form of God's indwelling Holy Spirit. Spirit is wind or breath, an invisible power that causes movement and change. “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit …” Ephesians 4:30. In previous teaching, we studied who is the Holy Spirit. John 16:13 reads, "When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth." He performed His miracles under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. stream Both the Latin Vulgate and the King James uses both (Romans 15:13 and Luke 11:13). All BELIEVERS have the Holy Spirit – Romans 8:9 Note: Compare the transitional, irregular, pattern of receiving the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, 8, 10, 19 with the consistent instruction of the Epistles. The Holy Spirit has 3 main functions and He is the third persona, person or form of God. Examples of the guidance of the Holy Spirit 1. Just as the Holy Spirit raised Christ from the dead, the Holy Spirit will give eternal life to believers in Christ. the Holy Spirit be with you all. This study course will cover scriptures concerning these facts as well as other subjects. The purpose of the Holy Spirit is not for you to have a good dance in a meeting or to fall under the anointing(am not against that but that’s not why He came). The infilling of the Holy Spirit is for all Christians, of every era. See the Holy Trinity. So then the Holy Spirit is the invisible power of the Godhead that First, note that God is Spirit (Jn. }b��}�����������=|��K{�?ss���u?��a�3Y�����L�ք������gt�O7�����m�e�O8�}Y�gϪ��?��$���e� Cw�/����Y7ӱ�tW�ַf�2��}�)��}��3 ē�_�|h��7���J\?�0���=����̆q��S��dk\���.p���[�S������`u@�am�}ʀ7���� �)�_�¯^���SA�������� #� �� }F��=����6�ѝ8 ��#Tp���GxZ�+ ��Q���\A�:���2�{��e�����w���i>���m��BT�?Xhv� The Holy Spirit was promised for the age of grace, from the time Jesus sent Him 2,000 years ago, right up to this present day. 2. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> �����l7M-�Cn�� 7M��^g�_8���-ޠI�� And because the Holy Spirit never became incarnate, never took a human body, He can be in every place at one time. Just as he convicts us of our sins, he also moves in the hearts of unbelievers, bringing them face to face with their iniquities and failures, with the futility of their lives apart from God. ‘I will pour out My Holy Spirit on all flesh … In t hose days I will pour out my Spirit’ (Joel 2:28 & 29). Why You Need It Summary: What is the purpose(s) of the anointing of the Holy Spirit? However, often, we like the disciples lack understanding of his role and how to relate to him. 2. %��������� These functions were taught by Jesus in His last teaching to His disciples, whom we are, before He was arrested. The Holy Spirit is a person, the third person of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. On the eve of His crucifixion while still in the Upper Room, the Lord Jesus said to the disciples, "The Counselor, the Holy Spirit… The primary purpose of the Holy Spirit is to empower God’s people to reach the lost and draw people to the cross of Jesus Christ. the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers to renew, sanctify, and make us holy. He is a person equal in every way with the Father and the Son. 2. 4 0 obj 8 Functions of the Holy Spirit as Taught by Jesus. �L�D�#|`�h�m�:��g The Holy Spirit is grieved when we do not recognize Him as a person (Eph. purposes, gifts, and fruit of the Holy Spirit are examined in detail. God has given us, in His Holy Spirit, every gift and power and help that we need to serve Him! CHAPTER 1 - THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE TRINITY 1.1 Explanation of the Trinity The Godhead 1 is made up of three persons, the Father - Jehovah, the Son - Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Acts 15:28 "For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials: 3. In the Millennium 1. In believers-The Holy Spirit will enable believing Israelites to live righteously (Ezekiel 36:27). See who the Holy Spirit is. An additional role of the Holy Spirit is to guide the believer into truth. The Holy Spirit came to glorify Christ and to lead believers into all truth. It empowers the Spirit-filled believer for multiple, powerful ministries.. 1 Samuel 16:12-13 So he sent and had [David] brought in. All of these characteristics or marks of personality are repeatedly ascribed to the Holy Spirit the Spirit and to investigate any continuities and discontinuities with the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. The Beauty of the Spirit . F. Although the Holy Spirit does not have a physical body, He is very much God in person for He is in possession of a mind, emotions and a will. We are sent out in all the world in their name: Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the down the Holy Spirit, another divine Person, one of the Eternal Trinity, to carry on the work that Christ began. ]4�/}M���lct�Fd� 9e���B�c�Fx�B@)�|�`���inW|�쐞�}��o9t�{������^�ï?7d�M���'^0��ç���.I��\3,����m��t�8���r� /�{KM�� '7`ll��7 G�=�x?��q���|�����g�%LD��O0�kӜ�L��L��k Notice that this does not in the slightest degree dim the truth of His personality. Then there is the argument whether between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are they the same being or separate. Once the Spirit of God moves upon us, we are ready for the Word to work for us. Tozer 4:24) and that it fills the universe. The Holy Spirit was given to you that you may know and understand what God has freely given to you. He teaches, guides, comforts and abides in close fellowship and relationship with God’s children. that the Holy Spirit is a person, there are those who understand [010] us to mean that the Holy Spirit has hands and feet and eyes and ears and mouth, and so on, but these are not the characteristics of personality but of corporeity. �v�f�I1Y6]���܊����Ըܝ��4Oc;���u8C&�˧��4���v�8���@e�������������x� ����� Reference: Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today by John Stott Discussion Questions: 1. Here are just 10 supernatural things the Holy Spirit does in your life. —Billy Joe Daugherty Founder and Senior Pastor, Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, OK. Every kingdom features a carefully structured administrative system. Practical guidelines are given for experiencing the baptism of the Holy Spirit, identifying spiritual gifts, and developing the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Also, since the word "baptize" comes from a Greek word that means to immerse, the use of the preposition "in" is consistent with that understanding. With the Holy Spirit, we have power and help in all situations. F���B�$�bC���r�O�y���p�ퟸ����K��W>�}�:QɕM���%�H��[�t����V�i���ƨN;bPR�zȹ�L~��>��)B>���G3zCD��/ݷ����[f$�5k��1_\ j�6c艡�n����y��=�1�vCR�p��#�ZW������k]��u껡=Wp�b����� �6R�;hRƾ;���\x��͔�;#�٨�̸ Bf��{���:Y�/��@l$�%Kj�H{��Q["�0��&Bg����"�^�m�D. x�X�r5}�Wh��͌��u�K0�q 6��yr)ʦ*���8��fg���j�F�˨�ݧO���|'?�Ӌ{#o�VNw�vނmk=�oLSy��Z���U^�Ω�7w�|%}'��t��՝J;�de� 1G�����u1[^����xy��ԬY8��ʪ��q����w���[���)���f�8���:x�ǝM�:����S���~y�~�������%[z�M�`Tp���i����=�'3���~w��^�D(O��� �[2� 1{��Q��Qo�p�d����^z�$"�*3Ҡ�k�L��� �6SN��4{�ZӅaT���X䳑'�##��@�ꑗ�=������7�]��ɸ3�5��5F4^Vmێ5�Um)�\+���˯�$␅:�_g'iȉo����y��P����5S�~,$� ���hU����@��o;���D� ,�X]�,OӾ�� 51%1� v�iQ��e3qK�� J��� ��>2� �u+��ܓ�~s&������ k; s)����4�k���̣g��/#`���[x�04�O�dh2�l��$y�H~W�� VN_��4W��cn��T���p�)(�� M�,���}���;�⵹;�� ��Ͷ�_>+��p5����#s;���|�/f籽�S. The Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence in the hearts of believers (Romans 8:9; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 12:13). In Christ-The Holy Spirit will … Further, the Holy Spirit helps believers to glorify the Lord. The Holy Spirit is a beautiful and powerful part of who God is. Pentecost is a feast celebrated by the Jews and being that the Holy Spirit was pour out on the disciples on this very day, some churches in the cause of trying to distinguish themselves from those christians that either did or do not believe in the gift of the Holy Spirit or in the Holy Spirit as still being present in these times coined the name 'pentecostals'. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features. E��5�bž&T���V�+���C�G t��Ո����L��]������h:\O���r\=(��L��R�V\z7�� l�1�lk���ғ��@%(��Sq�Ӵ^S�ҭ�5�"���Rb�B�>��'+{�E�ueFMR��'�%�����{)+��� ������xkq�P����:^���)�o�[�������SwD��'�m! 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