sad facts about universe

Scientists have dubbed this phenomenon "dark flow" in reference to other cosmic mysteries, dark matter, and dark energy. Black holes are like mythically dangerous. Cosmic background radiation is the afterglow and heat of the Big Bang, the momentous event that kick-started our universe 13.7 billion years ago. They’re calling this potential explosion the “Big Rip,” and while it’s just a theory, it’s a plausible one. Have a look at these fascinating yet disturbing facts about death. In a study a few years ago, scientists found that a group of galaxy clusters were moving at incredible speed toward a small patch of sky. BuzzFeed Staff, UK 1. 10 Facts About SpaceX And How It Is Revolutionizing… 10 Unconventional Ways We Could Travel To Space… Top 10 Interesting Facts About The International… Top 10 Truly Spectacular Islands For Post-Covid Travel; 10 Out-Of-This-Universe Ideas About … There are almost certainly aliens but we haven't been visited yet, at least not in a way that we are capable of perceiving. No biggie! We know that it’s cold, though we don’t know the extent of how cold it can get. Amazing facts about Universe. R eddit user savethaplanet asked users of the website for their very best unbelievable facts about space and the universe, and they did not disappoint. You’re welcome. But here are some ways the smell of space has been described by people who’ve been there: “Carries a distinct odor of ozone, a faint acrid smell.”, “Just imagine sweaty feet and stale body odor, mix that odor with nail polish remover and gasoline … then you get close!”. The following list brings to you certain unknown and unbelievable facts from all over the globe that is bound to keep you tongue-tied for a while and leave you feeling uneasy for quite some time… Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the four terrestrial planets namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars (Order of the planets from the Sun : Mercury , Venus , Earth, Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune , and Pluto (the dwarf planet)). Luckily, Earth happened to not be in the spot that this superstorm hit in 2012. There's a giant black hole shooting through space at 3 million miles per hour. You can’t breathe in space. Space is scary. Outer space can be considered an absolute horror show of unending blackness extraordinarily hostile to life. 6 She's Musically Inclined Good news is that space travel is much safer than it used to be. Here are 15 lesser-known facts about the Hollywood legend: Love hold so much space not only in our lives, but in our psychology, in our biology, and in our history. 2. But it could have been! The next fact might be even scarier, but I included a GIF of a sloth…. Do you know these facts about universe. Venus is the most extreme, dangerous planet in the solar system. According to The New York Times, “Recent astronomical measurements, scientists say, cannot rule out the possibility that in a few billion years a mysterious force permeating space-time will be strong enough to blow everything apart, shred rocks, animals, molecules, and finally even atoms in a last seemingly mad instant of cosmic self-abnegation.”. Human life facts are genuinely fascinating, but have you ever thought how many random facts had been accumulated throughout the history of our civilization? The first is the big crunch: the gravitational forces in the universe will reach a limit and cause the universe to stop expanding and instead fold back in on itself, converging into one super tiny point before disappearing forever. Any Star Wars fans out there? But callouses and dead skin just floating off my foot while I’m floating in space? Simply put: there are a lot of weird things about space. A person in space and a person on Earth experience time differently, but neither of them perceives the difference. Your perfect soulmate is somewhere out there, paired with their sub-optimal partner, just like you are. The Largest Earthquake in the World Hit Chile. by Kelly Oakes. 2. The only explanation is that there’s something out there, beyond what we know and can see, that’s pulling them away. Probably thousands, if not more. 3. #3: People are selfish, or they tend to form exclusive tight-knight groups. These 10 Amazing Facts about the Universe Will Blow Your Mind. We’ve got our own top 10 list on the most interesting facts about the Universe. It’s like camping.”. You do the math. John 1:1-3. Welcome to 23 Epic Tips Youtube Channel. We don’t know what lies beyond what we can see of the universe, so we just assume that the rest of it is filled with the same stuff. Facts About our Universe, Galaxies, Milky Way and Stars; Big Bang: About 14 billion years ago, our universe was created by the so-called Big Bang. According to Scientific American, “The quickening expansion will eventually pull galaxies apart fast than light, causing them to drop out of view.”, This would, in effect, erase any signs that the big bang ever existed. They explain that its diameter is larger than its age because it has been expanding since the Big Bang. If you were to step out in space with no suit, all of the water in your body would boil, evaporate, and expand until your body popped like a balloon. The Hubble Space Telescope located a black hole in 2017 that is being manipulated by gravitational waves. It’s just a fact that the sun will continue to get hotter and hotter. The first is the big crunch: the gravitational forces in the universe will reach a limit and cause the universe to stop expanding and instead fold back in on itself, converging into one super tiny point before disappearing forever. It is incredible to think about just how big our galaxy is. The visible universe—including Earth, the sun, other stars, and galaxies—is made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms. In Old English, human men were referred to as wer, while the term man was used to describe humanity as a whole.During the thirteenth century, man gradually replaced wer as the term for an adult human male while also maintaining its use as an expression for the entire human species. In 2013, 400 people were injured after a meteorite exploded in the mountains over Russia. After all, nothing is set in stone. What is that?’ until you realize it’s yours. It’s dangerous. This cosmic echo exists throughout the universe, and amazingly we can use an old-fashioned television set to catch a glimpse of it. If not, cool. While Big Bang theorists believe the universe is about 13.7 billion years old, they also estimated it to be 156 billion years across. It’s vast, much more vast than we even know. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT SPACE. Whether you’re a casual fan or a Star Wars geek, you at least know a little bit about it.Star Wars has become such a huge cultural icon that it’s almost impossible to not have at least heard about it. The first American woman in space was Sally Ride, who was aboard the space shuttle Challenger on June 18, 1983. FOX's Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey has only aired three episodes, but that is already enough to blow our minds with incredible facts about the universe we live in. 33 light years from us, there is an exoplanet, which is completely covered in burning ice. The heat of a supernova can reach temperatures of 50 million degrees Celsius. OK they don’t “eat” galaxies, per se, but they do bring them into themselves through “gravitational interactions” and just kind of fuse together until they are one big galaxy. Here are some of the most surprising and interesting facts about the universe we live in. Eventually, if it gets far enough away, it will slow the Earth’s rotation so a single day will take longer than a month. She was also the youngest American in space. Although we have been watching the sky … So anyway, yeah, they can just fall at any moment, rain down on the Earth and case massive destruction, and we might not know until it’s too late. A 2003 study discovered that the way large galaxies grow is my “gobbling up” smaller galaxies, according to Universe Today. Who knows if human beings will survive to this point, but the issue is that everything is so tenuous! You can’t hear anything. That's 3 followed by 23 zeros, or 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Although the anomaly weighs as much as 1 billion suns and has reached speeds of roughly 5 million miles per hour, it is estimated to still be 8 billion light years from Earth. These 10 Amazing Facts about the Universe Will Blow Your Mind. Cool. Steven goes to ask Sapphire if he should propose to Connie by having her see the future, but she simply replies that her and Ruby's love defied all odds and her Future Vision so theirs could as well. Enjoy? Sade, Nigerian-born British singer known for her sophisticated blend of soul, funk, jazz, and Afro-Cuban rhythms. There is a massive cloud of alcohol more than 463,000,000,000 kms across, with which we can have 400 trillion trillion pints of beer. It is more vast than the human mind can comprehend, inundated with incredible phenomena and events that we barely understand. Insane. Let's explore some Fun fact about Universe. Cool cool cool. Time works differently there. Apparently, this black hole is about 2 billion light-years away…for now. Then satellites would have been blasted with energy and gotten damaged. The other theory is the big rip: The universe will expand to the point where gravity means nothing anymore and the whole cosmos will rip apart, even the individual particles in atoms will float away from each other. In fact, dinosaurs were still alive during that time. RELATED: Steven Universe: 10 Peridot Facts Most Fans Don't Know. Here are 10 of the best responses. Take a look at 12 mind blowing facts about space that will change your world. No biggie. 15 creepy & scary facts about death you probably didn't know. The other theory is the big rip: The universe will expand to the point where gravity means nothing anymore and the whole cosmos will rip apart, even the individual particles in … Probably thousands, if not more. This massive … Some quasars are so intense that they can emit as much energy in just three minutes as the sun produces in 340,000 years. That may not seem like a big deal, but it could have devastating effects on the future. 23 shares | 1907 views . I’ve always wanted to experience an endless, changeless void other than the line at the DMV. We’re just getting started. 5. Even with all its magnificence and majesty, Earth is also just kind of strange. In order for a person to live for a year in space, they have to drink 730 liters of their own recycled sweat and urine. I KNOW. It was hot when it was young. In the early days of space travel, there were some failed missions that resulted in the deaths of animals and humans. Nugget; Author Admin; Leave a comment; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Here are 13 nightmarish facts about space that will haunt you every time you look up at the sky. Black holes are just the worst. That's more than all of the grains of sand on Earth. He was 90 years old. Not every one of these spacecrafts have recovered, which means they’re still floating through space. 1. Milky Way: The spiral shaped galaxy in which we live with about 200 billion stars. INTP Quotes "INTPs are perhaps the most intellectually profound of all the types." Scientists are pretty sure that there are billions upon billions of other Earth-like planets in the universe, and yet we get the feeling that we are very alone — it’s called the Fermi Paradox and it’s way more complicated than I can understand. But you know what happens when we assume…. Out of the 430 people who have gone to space, 18 never made it home. That’s five times the temperature of a nuclear explosion. They would literally tear our world apart. In 2009, researchers found a cluster of galaxies moving at an extraordinary speed towards, As the Milky Way Galaxy continues to merge with its neighboring galaxies, the, the size of the Earth compared to the rest of the galaxy. I don’t want to live in space. The black hole - capable of devouring anything in its path - will eventually break free of its own galaxy and begin to roam the universe. I don’t think so. [5] Globally, boy babies are 25% more likely to die in infancy than girl babies. Every year, the moon gets four centimeters farther from the Earth. Prepare your psyche for some out-there space facts. 26,520 9,949 We have only witnessed less than 5% of the material the universe is made of. 29 Unbelievable Facts About India Most Indians Didn’t Know. It's lonely spacecraft and abandoned animals all the way down. Many experts refer to space as our final frontier. Meteors can strike Earth whenever wherever without warning. The same was in the beginning with God. Shocking facts about India. Dark matter makes up about 25%. There is an uncountable number of stars in the known universe. The other 95% is dark matter and dark energy that we cannot see and that we cannot understand. 24. If aliens want to talk to us someday, cool. If this makes you uncomfortable, float your hand way up in the air. The next time that our solar system is in the same position in its orbit as today, human beings will probably not exist anymore. The night sky will eventually be completely black. Steven Universe Future reached an emotional conclusion on Friday as the titular half-human encountered his most devastating enemy yet — himself. Water is extremely limited in space, so astronauts like Scott Kelly will drink their own sweat and pee to survive up there. 3. Nice. Who knows when it’ll reach us?! Image via Wikimedia Commons. Human life facts are genuinely fascinating, but have you ever thought how many random facts had been accumulated throughout the history of our civilization? Then, when the Sun’s hydrogen is gone, it will expand into a red giant and consume the entire Earth, destroying it and everything on it. Solar storms are a threat to all forms of “high-technology.” It begins with an explosion, then x-rays and extreme UV radiation would have reached Earth at light speed. Vote up the most unsettling things about outer space that will haunt your dreams forever. And then, new callouses form on the top of your feet since you use them to grip onto stuff. Betty was already angry that Veronica was aware of her father's dastardly plans for Southside High. 3. We live in a strange Solar System. His family confirmed the sad news.Connery was the first actor to play James Bond. And with this franchise has come movies, books, comic books, and TV shows. And for more facts about our favorite furry friends, check out these 40 Amazing Animal Facts. 4. We have no idea what's outside the visible universe, but it's pulling chunks of galaxies away. Space is littered with human and animal corpses. Sean Connery is also known for his performances in films such as 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade' and 'The Rock'. Its surface temperature is 500 degrees Celsius, its atmospheric pressure is 90 times that of Earth, and it’s constantly raining down acid rain. Size: Approximately 100,000 light years across. The furthest away object in our visible universe is one such quasar, about 13.2 billion light years away. This is not a joke. The black hole - capable of devouring anything in its path - will eventually break free of its own galaxy and begin to roam the universe. Betty did eventually apologize, but that kind of incident has lasting effects on a friendship.. You are a product of your genes and environment. Almost makes it not worth it, don’t ya think! Here, we’ve outlined 50 facts about love that will help you to understand it, and maybe even find it … Two years later, Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado said, “If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces.”. At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean. However, she picked the wrong time to confront Veronica about it, and even worse, she embarrassed Veronica right in front of all their friends. Quantum physics proves that there are subatomic particles constantly being created and destroyed throughout space. Sweet dreams! But “galactic cannibalism” is totally a thing. She enjoyed wide critical acclaim and popularity in the 1980s and early ’90s. One of the strangest facts about space is that no one truly knows the cause of the universe's expansion; however, there are many theories. It probably won’t happen for a few billion years, but still. The most widely accepted cosmological model is that of the Big Bang. By Kelly Oakes. It’s called Dark Flow, and it’s super terrifying. [6] Some astronomers speculate that the singularity that became the Big Bang was the relic of an earlier collapsed universe, and that our universe is just one of an eternal cycle of expanding and collapsing universes. Astronauts have exhibited severe muscular atrophy after only six weeks in space, even when they have a rigorous exercise program. Earth really is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. The universe is quite a cold place, as the heat of the stars is only enough to affect a tiny part of it. Many a times, human beings come across scary facts through events, happenings and revelations so much so that suddenly, ordinary life starts seeming bizarre after such discoveries. He played the role of 007 in seven films. I hate space. I'm so sorry. Our nearest quasar is about 2 … Whole chunks of thick dead heel skin just float off of your body. According to some scientists, the absolute coldest place in the known universe is the Boomerang Nebula (a nebula being a giant mass of gas and dust in space). Here are 10 of the best responses. Something unidentified, larger than anything in the known universe, is sucking portions of the Milky Way galaxy, AKA your home, away. In 2009, researchers found a cluster of galaxies moving at an extraordinary speed towards a small patch of sky between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. It’s true, and as someone who does not take kindly to bad smells, this might be the most horrifying fact of all. Posted on July 28, 2015, at 10:05 a.m. In July of 2012, the Earth narrowly missed a brush with an “extreme solar storm,” the most powerful that we’ve seen in more than 150 years. Astronaut Marsha Ivins spoke to Wired and describes exactly what life is like up in space. According to Scientific American, “To our distant descendants, the universe will look like a small puddle of stars in an endless, changeless void.”. I feel sad knowing that of the 300+ hours I must have put into AoK designing over the years, I have basically one finished thing out there – the Romeo and Juliet cutscene, which I ended up making almost by accident . One day, it will get so hot that the Earth’s atmosphere will be burned away, our oceans with boil and evaporate completely. Legendary actor Sean Connery who played James Bond has passed away. According to Daniel Baker of the University of Colorado, had the superstorm occurred one week earlier, Earth would have received the impact and devastating after-effects. Although the anomaly weighs as much as 1 billion suns and has reached speeds of roughly 5 million miles per hour, it is estimated to still be 8 billion light years from Earth. 19 Awe-Inducing Space Facts That Will Make You Feel Really Small. Warner Bros. On Pottermore, she revealed that, early in the creative process, she came up with names for 40 Hogwarts students in Harry's year ― every member of the Golden Trio included. Then you strap your head to the pillow — a block of foam — with another Velcro strap, to allow your neck to relax. About 10,000 light-years away in the constellation Aquila, there is a cloud of alcohol with a diameter 1,000 times larger than our solar system. ET Tweet Share Copy 1. Space has been "stretching" since the Big Bang Of all of the creepy things about space and the universe, these may be the most unsettling. There are rogue planets that roam the universe and crash into things. Eventually, if it gets far enough away, it will slow the Earth’s rotation so a single day will take longer than a month. suns) are visible with the naked eye in the night sky. While it seems fun to float around, spending long periods of time in zero gravity can have serious effects on your mental and physical health. India is a big country not only in terms of area and population, but also in terms of diversity. When a television is not tuned to a station you can see the black and white fuzz and clacking white noise, … Despite millennia of analyses, definitions, explanations and debates by philosophers and scientists, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial, being "at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives." Probably. No thanks. It is so small compared to the entire universe. But it happens. Yeah. Even if an astronaut has been in space for many years, when she returns home, she will have only aged a fraction of the amount she would have if she were on Earth. - Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing "What is important is that the underlying structures of the universe be uncovered and articulated, and that whatever is stated about the universe be stated correctly, with coherence and without redundancy." We may never grasp the vastness of it. Yes, we’re talking alien sharks roaming free around the galaxy. The speedy expansion will eventually pull the galaxies apart faster than light, eliminating the distinctive products of the big bang and nullifying points of reference for expansion measurement. The names were carefully chosen. It would have caused radio blackouts and GPS navigation errors on a massive scale. I am a fan of foot-peeling adventures. In July of 2012, a coronal mass ejection (CME), referred to as a solar superstorm by the media, tore through Earth's orbit and collided with the STEREO-A spacecraft. Your arms float in front of you while you sleep in space. They usually have freezing surface temperatures but molten cores, which has led scientists to believe that these rogue planets could have huge oceans that support life. “The bag has armholes,” she continued, “so you stick your arms through, reaching outside the bag to zip it up. Full of danger. Lapis Lazuli, or Lapis for short, is a member of the Crystal Gems, who made her debut in "Mirror Gem".. During her alignment with the Gem Homeworld, she was caught in the crossfire of The Rebellion and got poofed by Bismuth.Homeworld mistook her for one of the Crystal Gems and imprisoned her within a magical mirror with the intention of interrogating her about her supposed comrade's whereabouts. As the Milky Way Galaxy continues to merge with its neighboring galaxies, the view of the night sky from Earth will change dramatically. “Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” ― Lao Tzu “Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.” ― Maria Augusta von Trapp “Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of … Fans can all agree that Rowling's world-building is superb ― and the whimsical names she gave her characters are no exception. Facts About Earth’s formation, location, speed, composition, the existence of life 1. They suck the life out of others to go on burning for longer. From its expansion and acceleration to dark matter and energy, the universe continues to surprise astronomers. As the Milky Way galaxy (which we live in) merges with others, others will recede from view. Shraddha Verma. She described that in order to sleep on the shuttle, “you strap your sleeping bag to the wall or the ceiling or the floor, where you want, and you get in. Her best-known songs included ‘Smooth Operator,’ ‘The Sweetest Taboo,’ and ‘No Ordinary Love.’ The whole world would have been without power. There’s no such thing as karma. Consciousness, at its simplest, is "sentience or awareness of internal or external existence." If a black hold were to find its way into our solar system, it would throw planets out of orbit and tear the sun to pieces. 1. I want to try the Baby Foot Peel thing so badly. Do you know this? $7,500,000: The total cost of building the RMS Titanic.. 12,600 feet: The depth at which the wreck of the ship lays.. 882 feet: The length of the ship.. 3,547: The maximum number of people the ship could carry.. 2,223: The number of people aboard, including passengers and crew.. 1,178: The number of people that could be carried in the lifeboats.. 705: The number of people who survived the tragedy. Scientists believe that the universe will end one day, but there are two theories as to how it might happen. 1. The universe could just up and explode in a few billion years. Most of the details of the sinking of the Titanic are well-known. A solar superstorm almost changed all of life forever as we know it. List RulesVote up the most unsettling things about outer space that will haunt your dreams forever. But the point is, there are probably other intelligent life-forms, and either they haven’t bothered to visit us, don’t know that we’re here, or have tried, and we as humans are just so limited in our capabilities for perception that we don’t even know how to communicate with them. One such quasar, about 13.2 billion light years away most Fans DO N'T even know GIF of sloth…. Many experts refer to space as our final frontier s called dark ''! Facts most Fans DO N'T even know theories as to how it happen! Deal, but there are subatomic particles constantly being created and destroyed sad facts about universe space GPS navigation errors on massive... Be considered an absolute horror show of unending blackness extraordinarily hostile to life even want to try Baby! Are getting sucked into who knows where Science facts of all of the universe and crash into things ]... Of 50 million degrees Celsius every year, the view of the Indian state of million! 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