refer to example

The weight and speed of goods trains vary enormously according to local conditions, but the following figures, which refer to traffic on the London & North-Western railway between London and Rugby, may be taken as representative of good English practice. de Reaumur, who "would willingly refer to the class of insects all animals whose form would not allow them to be placed in the class of ordinary quadrupeds, in that of birds, or in that of fishes. It is unnecessary here to dwell on the precautions which can only be conveniently acquired by experience; a sound appreciation of analytical methods is only possible after the reactions and characters of individual substances have been studied, and we therefore refer the reader to the articles on the particular elements and compounds for more information on this subject. Authors refer, in the prefaces to their books, to the Great Minster as the source of their knowledge. Sundry manuscripts of the yet more extensive compilation which begins with the Grand Saint Graal also refer to Map as having composed the cycle in conjunction with Robert de Borron, to whom, as a rule, the Grand Saint Graal and Merlin are exclusively assigned. The judgment did not refer to the whole phrase ' dogs bollocks ' . This genus has long been known as a common and widely spread Jurassic and Cretaceous conifer, but owing to the absence of petrified specimens and of well-preserved cones, it has been impossible to refer it to a definite position in the Coniferales. These reports most probably refer to the chrysanthemum of florists, chrysanthemum of florists, Chrysanthemum x hortorum W. Miller and cultivars thereof. The early existence of an accurate system of dating is not surprising; it was necessitated by the fact that Babylonia was a great trading community, in which it was not only needful that commercial and legal documents should be dated, but also that it should be possible to refer easily to the dates of former business transactions. 30 originally referred to the Scythians, it has been revised to refer to the Chaldeans; also in Ezek. As the same limit is applied by him to all transcendent rational " ideals," and especially to those which refer to the content of the notion of the world, and, like all psychological and ontological "ideals," belong to the imaginary transcendent, his conclusion is that reason, in transcending experience, logically conceives " ideals," but never logically infers corresponding realities. In view of all this it is possible to refer nearly every element of Appalachian form to its appropriate cycle and stage of development. Here is a brief discussion with regard to the different reference styles that you can use in your paper. For further advice ask your Christie doctor or GP to refer you to your local dietitian. 108 [451) seem to refer to a work of a different nature from the history - perhaps a treatise on Admiranda or remarkable things. 23 f., speaks of the coming of ships from the West, to attack Assur and "Eber" it may refer to the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. Please refer to our page on PDF problems for a full description. The mention of Gudea's building a temple for Ishtar in Nina (2800 B.C.) These apparent relationships refer to mean values. Sphenozamites, chiefly from French localities, which are referred to 1 fronds, which therg is good reason to refer to the Cycadales in the Cycads because of their similarity to the pinnate fronds of Upper Triassic, Rhaetic, Jurassic and Wealden rocks in India, modern Cycadaceae. All that has been attempted has been to point out some general truths, and to refer to some specially France. Refer to the program documentation on how to do this. The "foods" in question probably refer neither to temple sacrifices nor to the Levitical laws of clean and unclean foods, nor yet to ascetic scruples (as in Rom. After much contemplation, I’ve decided it’s time for new challenges, … Jessica Fuller Adaptive Solutions 5959 Rio Boulevard Denver, CO 80014. - We have already had occasion to refer to the dues which were rendered by different classes of the population, and which the reeves in royal villages had to collect and superintend. A few barrel weights are found at Karnak, and several egg-shaped shekel weights at Gebelen (44); also two cuboid weights from there (44) of 1 and 10 utens are marked as 6 and 60, which can hardly refer to any unit but the heavy shekel, giving 245. This work contains a clear and excellent resume of the methods which have been devised by the leading investigators from the time of Lagrange until the present, and thus forms the most encyclopaedic treatise to which the student can refer. Arbitration: agreement to refer future disputes to an independent arbiter, mutually agreed at the outset. It must suffice, therefore, to deal rather broadly with the subject, and to refer for fuller details to the special encyclopaedias, viz. But it may also refer, as Hsiian Tsang refers it, to another author of the same name. Those of most interest to English ornithologists naturally refer to Britanny, Normandy and Picardy, and are by Baillon, Benoist, Blandin, Bureau, Canivet, Chesnon, Degland, Demarle, De Norguet, Gentil, Hardy, Lemetteil, Lemonnicier, Lesauvage, Maignon, Marcotte, Nourry and Tasle, while perhaps the Ornithologie parisienne of M. Before considering the ornithological works relating solely to the British Islands, it may be well to cast a glance on a few of those that refer to Europe in general, the more so since most of them are of Continental origin. It cannot be shown that on Greek soil Apollo originally had the meaning of a sun-god; in Homer, Aeschylus and 'Plato, the sun-god Helios is distinctly separated from Phoebus Apollo; the constant epithet cfoi(30s, usually explained as the brightness of the sun, may equally well refer to his physical beauty or moral purity; XvKrJyEV11S has already been noticed. But why, then, does not Paul refer to the public charitable object of his visit? Assuming the words here, "as he is only a valet," to refer to Dauger, and taking into account the employment of Dauger from 1675 to 1680 as Fouquet's valet, Mr Lang now obtains a solution of the problem of why a mere valet should be a political Funck-Brentano argues that "un ancien prisonnier qu'il avait a Pignerol" (du Junca's words) cannot apply to Dauger, because then du Junca would have added "et a Exiles.". Besides those already mentioned it is sufficient to refer to his New Testament Introduction (the first edition, 1750, preceded the full development of his powers, and is a very different book from the later editions), his reprint of Robert Lowth's Praelectiones with important additions (1758-1762), his German translation of the Bible with notes (1773-1792), his Orientalische and exegetische Bibliothek (1775-1785) and Neue 0. It is enough to refer here to the fragmentary series of his Shakespearian criticisms, containing evidence of the truest insight, and a marvellous appreciation of the judicial "sanity" which raises the greatest name in literature far above even the highest of the poets who approached him. The author takes a genuine prophecy, undoubtedly intended by Jeremiah to refer simply to the duration of the Babylonian captivity, and, by means of a purely arbitrary and mystical interpretation, makes it denote the entire period of Israel's degradation down to his own time. ; (3) peace-offerings, iii. No kind of information is excluded, but the fullest details refer to the bishopric of Merseburg and to the wars against the Wends and the Poles. They appear to be different articles, purporting to refer to different persons, and have been generally so received by the editors of Suidas and by modern legal historians. For the details of the struggle the reader must refer to the articles Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela. Refer to the separate instruction booklet supplied by CCL. 4 For the sections which follow the present writer may be permitted to refer to his introductory contributions in the Expositor (June, 1906; " The Criticism of the 0.T. Tips for Sending a Referral Letter That Gets Attention Emphasize the mutual acquaintance. It is a mistake to refer it back to the Greeks. Scholasticism, which absorbed the attention of most thinkers from about the 11th to about the 15th centuries, is so easily marked off and played so considerable a role in the academic history of that time, that historians often refer to it as the only intellectual interest of "medieval" men. continued to refer to the decretals of Gregory IX. "); the Jewish Quarterly Review (July 1905-January 1907 = Critical Notes on 0.T. Definition of refer-to phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. You can use arithmetic to refer to the process of doing a particular sum or calculation. 23) both refer to their use in Italy for the cultivation of the rarer and more delicate sorts of plants and trees. Thanks a lot! which can scarcely refer to any one earlier than Simon the Maccabee, and cannot well be later than his time, we are justified in assigning the compilation of this collection to about the year 140 B.C. Thus, after laying down as a general rule for declinable words that, when they refer to one and the same person, they must have the same case, gender and number, Priscian adds that when there are transitive words we may use different numbers, as doceo discipulos, docemus discipulum. fisherysheries management, however, part of the scrutiny process is to refer the matter to the Rural Affairs Committee. Both are abundantly illustrated in most popular works on astronomy, and it seems sufficient to refer the reader to the original descriptions.2 We pass, therefore, directly to the equatorial telescope, the instrument par excellence of the modern extra-meridian astronomer. When an action is in court the parties may at any stage withdraw it from judicial determination, and refer it to arbitration. Menu. But," as Hallam says, " he who fought on horseback and had been invested with peculiar arms in a solemn manner wanted nothing more to render him a knight; " and so he concludes, in view of the verbal identity of " chevalier " and " caballarius," that " we may refer chivalry in a general sense to the age of Charlemagne.". It must suffice to refer briefly to two points. While the first has the form of a treatise, the second is an address to God; the first, though it has the Jewish people in mind, does not refer to them by name except incidentally in Solomon's prayer; the second is wholly devoted to the Jewish national experiences (this is true even of the section on idolatry). The following estimates of durability refer to the use of fur when made up "hair outside" in garments or stoles, not as a lining. Of course I do not refer to beautiful sentiments, but to the higher truths relating to everyday life. When we speak of the " science of mythology " we refer to the various attempts which have been made to explain these ancient narratives. The " accolade " may etymologically refer to the embrace, accompanied by a blow with the hand, characteristic of the longer form of knighting. For really fresh and progressive indigenous art we may perhaps have, in the near future, to turn to America and to Russia, where, having little artistic past to refer to, designers and craftsmen display unequalled individuality and force. Owing to the great beauty of the flowers they have been favourites in European gardens for two or three centuries, and have been crossed and recrossed till it has become almost impossible to refer the plants to their original types. This view is based mainly on the numerous place-names ending in -ing, -Ingham, -ington, &c., in which the syllable -ing is thought to refer to kindreds of cultivators. Or I could refer you to Ireland, which is marked as one of the white or enlightened spots on the map. This consisted of a paf3Sos or bronze rod; a 7rM6aTcy, a small disk or basin, resembling a scale-pan; a larger disk (XEKavis); and (in 1 The epithet Kara&ros (let down) may refer to the rod, which might be' raised or lowered as required; to the lower disk, which might be moved up and down the stem; to the moving up and down of the scales, in the supposed variety of the game mentioned below. Either party, or the minister for Labour, may refer a determination to the court of industrial appeals, and the court, in the event of a special board failing to make a determination, may itself be called upon to frame one. It may be of interest to refer briefly to one or two main principles which govern theadjustment of general average, i.e. 439-453; both these summaries refer to the most important original papers. - Before leaving the 17th century we must just refer to the writers who laid the foundations of the essentially modern conception of human history as a gradual upward progress. The irritation of the powers at the unexpected delay was so great that Great Britain proposed a collective note on the subject, to be executed by the Austrian cabinet; while Prince Bismarck threatened, if the Berlin proposition were not carried out, to refer to the suzerain power at. For example, the reference entry for a source written by Jane Marie Smith would begin with "Smith, J. M." If a middle name isn't available, just initialize the author's first name: "Smith, J." If they speak of sacrifice at all, it is a sacrifice of the gifts brought by the faithful and distributed in the congregation and among the poor, or again they refer to those spiritual sacrifices which a bishop is to offer " day and night.". If the gid specified does not refer to one within the winbind gid range then the operation will fail. Notes ad referendum are addressed by diplomatic agents to their own governments asking for fresh powers to deal with points not covered by their instructions, which they have had to "refer.". But it will be convenient at once to refer to its other features. - The few notices of this subject which occur in the early laws seem to refer primarily to cattle-dealing. ), the following books refer specially to Lausanne: A. Shirting, which has long since ceased to refer exclusively to shirt cloths, includes a large proportion of Lancashire manufacture. He then became associated with Henry of Lancaster, but did not return to England before 1399, and the account which Froissart gives telling how he was sent by the Londoners to urge Henry to come and assume the crown is thought to refer to his nephew and namesake, Thomas, earl of Arundel. For example, it could be Project Data or Sales Data. Finnish diet ought to refer to the imperial legislature not only all military matters - as the tsar demanded (Rescript of October 14) - but the question of the use of the Russian language in the grand-duchy, the principles of the Finnish administration, police, justice, education, formation of business companies and of associations, public meetings, the press, the customs tariff, the monetary system, means of communication, and the pilot and lighthouse system. Third party initiated REFER method signalling the transfer of a call by associating the REFER method to the dialogue via the REFER TargetDialog. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Quotes Reference Spanish Word Finder ... An example of refer is to include an in-text citation in a research paper. Otto and Kolling attempt to refer irop€v61swo (i. In the simplest case, that of uniform translation, these components of the gradient will each be constant throughout the region; at a distant place in free aether where there is no motion, they must thus be equal to -u,-v,-w, as they refer to axes moving with the matter. When the psalmist declares that " the fool hath said in his heart, there is no God," he probably does not refer to theoretical denial, but to a practical disbelief in God's government of human affairs, shown in disobedience to moral laws. groceryFT is to refer the supply of groceries by retailers in the UK to the Competition Commission for a market investigation. Many company and place names, such as the Ebor race meeting. They do not represent the opinions of By his vast expenditure, ascribable not only to his wars in Italy, his incessant embassies, and the necessity of defending himself in the Comtat Venaissin against the incursions of the adventurous Raymond of Turenne, but also to his luxurious tastes and princely habits, as well as by his persistent refusal to refer the question of the schism to a council, he incurred general reproach. The term is also used, for example, to refer to sports matches between such cities as … Among the Latin classical authors Juvenal, Suetonius and Pliny in well-known passages refer to the practice of physiognomy, and numerous allusions occur in the works of the Christian Fathers, especially Clement of Alexandria and Origen (for example, the familiar passage in his work against Celsus, i. The next class to be removed from Cuvier's * These figures refer to the Bibliography at the end of the article. Besides, nothing is gained by such a device, which would bring the year of the end of the second period down to the meaningless date 152, too late to refer to Onias. Book published with new foreword by another author. It must suffice here to refer to sources in which the subject is considered as one whole. Not to multiply examples further, it may suffice to refer to (a) the apparent belief that the serpent tempted Eve to unchastity (2 Cor. Under the common law of Scotland, a submission of future disputes or differences to an arbiter, or arbiters, unnamed, was ineffectual except where the agreement to refer did not contemplate the decision of proper disputes between the parties but the adjustment of some condition, or the liquidation of some obligation, contained in the contract of which the agreement to submit formed a part. Leonard, and refer only to Protestant missions to non I.-Statistics Of The Great Religions Of The World. Upon the dissolution of a marriage in community of property, or in the event of a judicial separation a communione bonorum, the property of the spouses is divided as upon the liquidation of a partnership. Coniferous twigs are very common in Mesozoic strata, but in most cases we are compelled to refer them to provisional genera, as the evidence of vegetative shoots alone is not sufficient to enable us to determine their position within the Coniferae. To whom it may concern: Ben Dover worked for me for 4 years. It is impossible to overstep the limits of self-consciousness; whatever words I use, whatever notions I have, must refer to and find their meaning in facts of consciousness. They constantly refer to the case of Klagenfurt. fervid imagination to distort any text to refer to him. The litanies of the Yasna, and the Yashts, refer to him as a personage belonging to the past. The selection of three as their number has been supposed to refer to the most ancient division of the year into spring, summer and winter, but it is probably only another instance of the Greek liking for that particular number or its multiples in such connexions (three Moerae, Charites, Gorgons, nine Muses). These may be divided into three classes: first, the sprig of rue in silver, with sundry emblems attached to it, all of which refer to the worship of Diana, whose shrine at Capua was of considerable importance; secondly, the serpent charms, which formed part of the worship of Aesculapius, and were no doubt derived largely from the ancient eastern ophiolatry; and lastly charms derived from the legends of the Sirens. 449), is that it only referred to the images then subject to abuse, which had been ordered to be removed, and did not refer,to the subsequent use or abuse of other images. This kind of writ allowed a man to refer the question of his guilt or innocence to the verdict of his neighbours instead of proving his innocence by the duel. With them it began, and successive generations of inquirers into a strange career and a character still shrouded and baffling refer to them as settled starting-points of investigation. The exact date of his death is unknown; some authorities refer it to 376, others to 400. refer to a book written at Fecamp as source for certain Perceval adventures. Some derive it from Celtic roots - ber, small, short, and lyn, a lake; others regard it as a Wend word, meaning a free, open place; others, again, refer it to the word werl, a river island. 125. Now it is necessary to bear in mind that all observed motions are relative; and, especially in dealing with stellar motions, it is arbitrary what shall be considered at rest, and used as a standard to which to refer their movements. Students of the modern novel in Portugal should refer to the essays of J. Much of the work carried on by these organisms is not clearly understood; there are, however, certain processes which have been extensively investigated and to these it is necessary to refer. When Miss Keller puts her work in typewritten form, she cannot refer to it again unless some one reads it to her by means of the manual alphabet. sweet, red - and refer them as accidents to matter in space, which, though mental, is objective, because its production is grounded on a law of all reason. In addition to an enormous body of new information chiefly on the shoulder girdle, the alar muscles and the nerve plexuses of birds, this work contained a critical and descriptive summary of practically the whole pre-existing literature on the structure of birds, and it is hardly necessary for the student of ornithology to refer to earlier literature at first hand. It is convenient to refer to these two forms as a and 0. 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