laika dog breed height

There are other Laika breeds, but the West Siberian Laika hunted mostly with the Hanty and Mansi cultures of West Siberia and Ural Mountain regions of Russia. Males or females that are expected to hunt together generally have to be raised together from pups, and even then some dogs may be prone to dog aggression. The fur is well developed and usually sufficient to help Laika live and work under harsh Arctic conditions. These dogs also bay moose for the hunter to come in to take the shot. Unique Fact: The breed is easy to train and they are easy keepers, preferring to remain by their owner's sides. In fact this is what they do first and foremost: food, and companionship to the human master comes secondly to the hunting instincts that these dogs have. Some dogs may be protective against strange people however that is not overly common within the breed. Laikas are very versatile dogs but they are particularly skilled in hunting. Just like any other breed, Laikas don’t respond well to harsh training or boring training. Some dogs will bond so tightly to its master that they do not do well in transferring to someone else once mature, and even after years of separation will remember their "first love" if reunited. If not properly socialized a puppy may never develop into a trusting loving companion. Lips are well pigmented, while the teeth are large and white, with healthy gums if maintained right. The East Siberian Laika is the largest of the 3 Laika breeds and is used for hunting furred animals and forest birds, but mainly for hunting big game, such as bear, wild boar and moose. They were initially bred for herding, pulling sleds, and hunting. A clean WSL even when wet does not smell "doggy". They do this so they do not get injured and so that they can also be successful in the field. The breed does not have the natural get along with larger groups of dogs as its sled dog counter part, and in many cases it may even be somewhat aggressive to members of the same sex. In the home environment they are very affectionate and enjoy their human companions, but again, they are not simple lap dogs. They do shed more in the shedding season. Since this is a working dog, excessive trimming of his coat isn’t necessary. The West Siberian Laika was recognized by the United Kennel Club on … Technically, this is an ancient breed, but many call it a re-born breed since their preservation efforts began in the 1990s. The average weight is between 30-50 lbs. Just like any other dog breed, weekly brushing is mandatory to keep his coat shiny and healthy. They were treated so right that today Laikas are perfect domestic animals and real companions. Breeders will screen dogs for health concerns such as: The Yakutian Laika has a long history as a hunting dog and sled dog. Most West Siberian Laika (WSL) are some shade of wolf gray, but there are pure white dogs and white dogs with colored patches. 304, Occupation: Hunting, an excellent guard dog: Size: Height: 55- 66 cm (22-26 inches) Weight: 18-23 kg (40 – 50 lbs) Longevity; 12-15 years: Exercise: Today, these dogs are still capable of performing the first work they were bred for, but they can also be wonderful family pets. However, due to his natural primitive hunting instincts and ability to survive these dogs just do not charge into dangerous quarry and get hurt. Outside of seasonal shedding the breed is a clean companion. If you are based in a warmer climate, air conditioning is a must, and walks should be reserved for early mornings or late nights to avoid any paws damage on the hot road. Laikas coat naturally repels dirt, and Laikas owners claim that this breed doesn’t have an odor, so bathing should be rare. The Kennel Club announced in December 2012 that with effect from April 1, 2013, the Eurasier breed will transfer from the imported register to the breed register. Being a dog from the Northern Boreal (Taiga) forest, this athletic dog can run through the timber just like a coyote or a wolf, very quick while pursuing quarry. The term laika means a dog that barks, or a barking dog. The Yakutian Laika is a working breed developed in Yakutia Republic’s Arctic region, majorly used for a wide variety of purposes like hunting, herding as well as for pulling sled. To help visualize the taiga zone compare it to the thin zone of taiga in the continental United States in Northern Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin which would be considered taiga. In the mid-1800s, the breed was at its peak, only to start demining in the 1900s. The FCI recognizes only three of the four breeds, as the Karelo-Finnish Laika is not officially recognized by this federation. If young pups are not handled or socialized properly they can become timid and aloof towards humans so early socialization is very important. However, once molted out and brushed he is manageable not much different than a German Shepherd or other dogs with double coats that shed. Suppose you are ready to invest enough time and energy into the training process and create a supportive and loving environment for your furry family member. How to choose the right dog for yourself? The tenacity of the WSL on dangerous quarry is well known and is considered a paramont Russian grizzly bear or bore hunter. Color: White and any patching as bicolour or tricolour It will develop a warm climate coat once adapted to the warmth. Height: 21-23 inches If you already have small pets, watch them when Yakutian Laika is nearby. This breed has shown up in various published works including in Nicolas Cornelissen Witsen’s book published in 1692. Cheek-bones are moderately defined, while the nose is large. The West Siberian Laika may also suffer from infections of eyes and ears, but they are very rare. Always relay any questions you have regarding your pet’s medical condition to your veterinarian, local animal hospital or other qualified veterinary provider. Read Next: 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors. ", Taiga the West Siberian Laika from Estonia, Taiga the West Siberian Laika from Estonia with her Laika friend in the snow, Rey the West Siberian Laika from the Ukraine, "This is Chevy (aka Laika Rock), a West Siberian Laika in the backyard before I brought her home. Laikas need human leadership and guidance, but they won’t respond well to corrective training techniques. Other larger breeds such as a German Shepherd, Retriever, or Spaniel will have reached about ⅔ of his adult weight by this age. Pro tip: For brushing use a pin brush and metal comb. If socialized properly they are as tame and affectionate as other modern breeds of dogs. Measuring a dog's height can be important when assessing how much it has grown over time, or when showing it in dog shows. As a puppy the WSL can be destructive, and as a bored adult can be equally as destructive. From there, they evolved to perfect house pets. Here in the United States, although our gene pool is small, most hunters are not inbreeding their dogs and this is a practice that is critical to keep the breed genetically healthy. The reason for this is because the breed has not been inbred to fix specific showroom characteristics to please bench-show judges. With proper socialization and training, this breed can be a perfect home pet. To some people they would appear to be hyper active, as the WSL are always attentive to everything. From day one, this breed was treated as a working animal, but as a family member, they are such nice companions. Rey the West Siberian Laika from the Ukraine hunting, West Siberian Laika puppy, photos courtesy of Shelma Pack Kennel, West Siberian Laika puppies, photos courtesy of Shelma Pack Kennel. The first West Siberian Laika to be imported into United States was by … Our work is not Public Domain. Shereshevsky describes his West Siberian Laikas as follows: “Body structure is strong; temperament is well-balanced, but live and alert; height at the shoulder 55-60 cm (22-24 inches); coat is well developed with thick undercoat. This is different to many modern hound type of dogs that give voice as soon as scent is detected. This is a native dog breed. She was one of a number of stray dogs that were taken into the Soviet spaceflight program after being rescued from the streets. Thus, they make very good watch dogs as nothing really gets by them. Will do best with a large fenced in yard. However, in 1998, a group of enthusiasts worked to reclaim the breed, and in 2004, the Yakutian Laika was recognized by the Russian Kynological Federation. But even perfectly trained Laika can't be stopped from chasing small animals. This breed has a double coat and does shed a lot during the seasonal molt. For example, most Laikas naturally look up into the tree canopy for animals, whereas this is a hunting trait that some modern hunting dogs never seem to learn. This is a social dog who loves spending time with humans, and they will make a perfect family pet as long as you socialize him from an early age. You can give him some dog toys or a frozen Kong toy to keep him preoccupied. In the early days, these dogs were even used for hunting tigers in Siberia, but this is forbidden nowadays. Real name: Yakutian Laika One has to really see this athletic ability to believe it. If you don’t have small pets yet, but you are thinking about it, doublethink about your decision. The only genetically transmitted disease, typical for this breed is a problem of urinary system. Yakutian Laika is an ancient breed, developed by native Yakuts to hunt mammals and birds. With the breed being primarily maintained as a hunting breed from West Siberia only healthy proven strong dogs were kept and bred thus genetic diseases have not developed as in other breeds that are bred primarily for show purposes. Download the Free "Can Dogs Eat..." Whitepaper, 9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained Indoors, 15 Dogs That Look Like Foxes aka Fox Dogs. The Russian-European Laika does, however, require a great deal of socialization and they have a tendency to become aggressive or t… The Yakutian Laika is described as a bold, lively, and friendly dog that is close to man. It is active and loves to explore its world, and a bored Laika is a Laika who is going to get into trouble in one way or the other to occupy its active mind. Canada has much of this zone in its country, too. In the early 1900's the Russians made more effort to fix the individual breed characteristics of the breed and established an actual breed standard. The rest is regular maintenance: trim nails regularly, check gums, clean his ears, and check eyes as a part of his grooming routine. Same sex gender aggression is not uncommon within this breed. Here is everything that you should know about Saint Bernard - from history to grooming. They may also have the presence of blue segments of the brown iris. Easily save as a PDF or print. She Disintegrated On Re-EntryAfter five months and 2,570 orbits around the Earth, the satellite that … The height measurement on a dog is done from the ground to its withers. Siberian Husky; Alaskan Malamute; Samoyed; East Siberian Laika However, this is a concern with many hunters who hear that more and more of these dogs are making their way into modern bench-shows. Therefore, Laikas should never be left outside in a warm or hot climate. The WSL does not take well to a rough hand, or loud yelling type of voice. Both Greenland Dog and East Siberian Laika … Breed type: Herding Dogs If you need help with training him, think about professional training classes. This is a sure way to have a well-behaved and well-trained dog. She hunts squirrel and coon, and even has a bobcat to her name (and strictly hers... she didn't wait on her hunter to help her out!) Coat: Double coated, with a thick downy undercoat, and a longer, more coarse top coat. Dogs like Laikas and Huskies thrive in cold areas, while they are prone to heatstroke in hot areas. However, other lesser known breeds include the Russian Spaniel, Moscow Water Dog, Laika breeds and so many more. With that said, they do not do well sitting in a kennel situation or tied to a tree without regular interaction with their family due to the depth of bonding that developes. They develop a thin summer warm weather coat when kept in the hot climates. However, chickens and rabbits sometimes are just too tempting to some dogs so good cages are required. Brushing is also a great way to connect with your dog. The breed is lighter in build and narrower in head than the East Siberian Laika. FCI = Fédération Cynologique Internationale. Yakutian Laika was developed in ancient times for natives of Yakutia as assistants. There was a push to preserve the West Siberian Laika in the early 1900s. Lifespan: 10 – 12 years The current breed was developed from two different types. The breed standard was developed in the 1930s and in the 1940s the four Laika breeds were officially separated by region. Laika won’t follow his human unless he truly trusts him. Dogs love to be pet, so anything will benefit them tremendously when they got to be an object of affection. A home with at least a fenced yard is required, but a home with some acreage is best. Like in humans, they may be prone to specific genetic disorders if not treated right. Laika, a stray mongrel from the streets of Moscow, was selected to be the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space on 3 November 1957. Some dogs may be massive in size but real lap dogs, while others can be super... Saint Bernards: Everything You Should Know About This Fantastic Breed. The Yakutian Laika is a well-muscled and robust dog of medium size. One can prevent the dog from hunting by keeping him in a pen, but one can never remove the natural instinct to hunt once the dog is loose in the woods. Yakutian Laika History. However, it would help if you trimmed between his foot pads to keep ice, snow, and other uncomfortable debris from accumulating and causing him irritation. This breed is unique among hunting dogs because they also make great family pets, bonding so strongly with family that they are difficult to rehome. All rights reserved. This domestic breed of dog shares many primitive breed characteristics to his wild ancestors. Health problems. This 4-year-old West Siberian Laika male is named Karu. Avg. There are four different types of Russian Laikas – the Karelo-Finnish Laika, the Russo-European Laika, the West Siberian Laika, and the East Siberian Laika. As a breed showing primitive characteristics being great hunters in the vast wilds of Western Siberia they are able to engage with dangerous quarry without getting hurt. Height: Male 22 - 24 inches (56 - 61 cm) Female 21 - 23 inches (53 - 58 cm) Weight: Male 35 - 50 pounds (16 - 23 kg) Female 30 - 45 pounds (14 - 20 kg) ... however being in the hands of mankind for countless generations it is a domestic breed of dog. The most popular Russian dog breeds are the Siberian Husky, Samoyed, Borzoi and Black Russian Terrier. These dogs may appear to be aloof, but to those who know them well know they are just independent thinkers. Many North American hunters have come to realize that this primitive aboriginal hunting breed from Russia is so natural at hunting squirrel that all one really has to do is take him to the woods so that he can learn to use his instincts of which he has imbeded in his DNA. The West Siberian Laika was first imported into the United States in 1992, by Mr. Vladimir Beregovoy, PhD an immigrant from Russia. listverse Mushka, the dog who’d been kept on Earth as a “control dog,” followed Laika into space a little later. Breed Group: FCI: (West Siberian Laika) Group 5 Section 2 #306, (East Siberian Laika) Group 5 Section 2 #305, (Russian European Laika) FCI standard No. They are a northern spitz type dog it does look similar to the sled dogs of the north such as the Siberian Husky, however the WSL has been the hunting version of the Siberian dogs. For centuries the breed was a loyal companion and working assistant of man in the conditions where it was hard to move, such as cold areas of Yakutia. The first description of the Yakutian Laika appeared in the book “Geography of the Russian Empire” (Derpt, 1843), which announced it to be a “dog of a special breed”. Little was known about the impact of spaceflight on living creatures at the time of Laika's mission, and the technology to de-orbit had not yet been developed, so Laika's survival was never expected. Only female dogs were used because they were considered to be anatomically better suited than males for close confinement. The sable was nearly hunted to extinction, and when this premier quarry crashed in numbers so did the Laika in some areas that hunted them. Training the Yakutian Laika is an easy task thanks to his nature to please. If you are dealing with breeders, make sure that you deal with responsible breeders only. Other names: Yakut Laika, Yakustkaya Laika, Kolyma-Indigirka Laika, Laïka de Iakoutie, Chien de Traîneau de Yakutie, Laika de Yakutia, Kolyma Husky The first Breed Standard for the North-East Sled Dog was adopted in 1958 and it formed the basis for the Yakutian Laika Breed Standard published in 2005 by the Russian Kynological Federation. Yakutian Laika information including personality, history, grooming, pictures, videos, and the AKC breed standard. Today the West Siberian Laika is still used extensively as a hunting companion. This breed has a wonderful and dense coat, specially designed for harsh climates. The WSL is an adaptable breed and several of them are currently living in the hot humid south as well as the hot desert southwest. The Sad, Sad Story of Laika, the Space Dog, and Her One-Way Trip into Orbit A stray Moscow pup traveled into orbit in 1957 with one meal and only a seven-day oxygen supply. If it had not been for his enthusiasm for this breed of dog it may have never found its way to the USA. As a result, they are great with people, and they see training sessions as playtime. This breed is known for its high intelligence and willingness to work with humans. The WSL Laika do best when housed or hunted alone, or in male female pairs. The WSL does require more than average water during the hot summer. 2015 - 2021 © Barking Royalty. Height, Weight . This is not an apartment dwelling breed of dog. Female West Siberian Laika treeing—Courtesy of Glen Kansanback, Taiga the West Siberian Laika from Estonia—"Taiga is a 4-year-old purebred West Siberian Laika. Did you know that they... Read on to learn everything that you should know about adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog. Related to the Greyhound, Deerhounds are leaner dogs, with males weighing between 85 and 110 lbs. Height and Size:The average height of the Yakutian Laika is between 21-23 inches and the average weight is between 40-55 pounds. Today, this breed is mostly known as a family companion. In North America the WSL is currently hunting feral hogs, bear, cougar, bobcat, raccoon, opossum, squirrel, etc. Throughout history, their most important role was in transportation. As of 2014, it is estimated that approximately 21 individual dogs have been imported into the USA with an estimated population of 300 dogs. The WSL has desire to catch small quarry on the ground if he can. Your Yakutian Laika will love training based on positive reinforcement and delicious treats. Explain to them why they shouldn’t disturb the dog while eating, drinking water, or while being inside or near his crate, or just walking around his bowl. It is an aboriginal primitive hunting breed that shares many characteristics to its ancestor the wolf, however being in the hands of mankind for countless generations it is a domestic breed of dog. He will be nice toward children that he is raised with but won’t tolerate disrespectful children. Eyelids are lean, while the ears are set high and covered with thick and short hair. Once quarry is found in the tree the dog will naturally bark and follow the quarry from tree to tree. When running, their ears are always laid back. At this age, toy and small dogs will have almost completed their growth. Just like other dog breeds, they enjoy pleasing their family members. Russian Dog Breeds List. The natural hunting instincts of the Laika is much different than most modern domestic breeds of hunting dogs. Some archeological discoveries confirm that local people used them for sledding and hunting as far back as 8,000 years ago. This is a very durable dog that enjoys good health. It is an all around hunting dog, used on birds and small game and also occasionally on large game. Weight: 40-55 pounds Males are slightly bigger than females. In that case, the Yakutian Laika might be the breed for you. Read... Getting A Dog – Everything You Need To Know. Being a Siberian dog, no cold is too cold for this breed as long as he has protection from the elements such as a good doghouse. Luckily, if you brush your Yakutian Laika regularly, the shedding will be under control. Throughout history, dogs that are similar to the Yakutian Laika were described by explorers to the region by many different names including Sledge Dog, Tungusskaya, Chuvychanskaya, Arkticheskaya and Polarmaya. The Sealyham Terrier is a small dog with a fantastic personality. The Eurasier breed was recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) in 1995 as a member of Group 3 (Working Dogs). As with all dogs, the WSL can catch any canine diseases and parasites, but as far as hereditary diseases most hunting lines of this breed is still genetically healthy. At that time, the need for dogs started diminishing. Once acclimated, this breed can tolerate the hot climates better than other Laika breeds such as the Karelian Bear Dog. 6-month old puppy. Height and Size: The average height of the West Siberian Laika is between 21-24 inches. The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. She was sent up in a rocket with a menagerie of dogs, guinea pigs, rats, mice, fruit flies, and plants, meant to study the effects of cosmic radiation. This activity should not be confused with nervous energy that some high strung dogs have. The Russian-European Laika is a hunting dog known for its ability to tree game, though it has also been used to hunt game birds, moose, and even bear. Australian Cattle Dog. Laikas are very protective of his family and will not hesitate to protect his home and family from any type of intruders. There are variences to these size ranges. Responsible breeders will inform you on the dog’s health, inform you on dog’s parents, and even let you meet the parents and show you the facilities. Although she had trust issues at the beginning, she is adapting very well. Most WSL in the States are used for hunting purposes or for outdoor companions such as for backpacking. One important aspect to consider is that the WSL does not have natural dog body odor as with most modern breeds. Simply put, the instinct to hunt is already there, all they have to do is be given an opportunity to learn how to use them. Eye color can be brown or blue, or they may have eyes of different colors, usually one brown and one blue. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. If a squirrel is found feeding on the ground the WSL will try to catch it before it gets to a tree and if it is not caught the WSL will continue to chase it until treed, this chase on the ground is silent. The WSL is extremely quick, agile and flexible. Height: Male 22 - 24 inches (56 - 61 cm) Female 21 - 23 inches (53 - 58 cm) All three breeds are by the FCI included in the group 2: Nordic Hunting Dogs in the class of primitive dogs. For example, he has little to no "doggy" body odor, females comes into estrus usually only one time of year, generally has puppies in the spring, regurgitates food for puppies, is capable of digging a den in the earth for whelping puppies, and has extreme acute senses that are naturally used for hunting purposes. The Australian Cattle Dog is an active and intelligent dog breed that typically … The breed standard was approved around 1930, but its modern shape was maintained after the WWII. Some scient Barking Royalty does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Once the squirrel runs up the tree to escape the hot pursuit, the WSL will then give voice. Laika was a Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and the first animal to orbit the Earth. Fédération Cynologique Internationale uses the word Laika in the names of three standard breeds: Russian European Laika (FCI standard No. (100+ foods covered). Laikas are very protective of their family and home, so if possible, always include the entire family in the training process. The coat is shiny, thick, and straight, of medium length. Having extremely developed senses, they are always alert and totally in tune to their surroundings at all times. From the early days, they have proven to be worthy assistants, and in no time, they became loyal companions to the Yakuts. Since the breed was developed by people of the North East of Russia, they are known as the North-East Sled Dog as well. As her last owners had a child, they gave her up to a dog shelter. Chevy is an intense dog; she hyper-focuses on EVERYTHING she does! It streaked across the sky while people around the world watched, creating a small panic in the United States. Laikas are happy being active, or even participating in agility sports, sledding, or coursing ability. All Rights Reserved. The head is proportional to the size of the dog, while the skull is moderately broad. The Laika is a Russian-type dog that existed in the country for many years and they retain many of the traits they inherited from their wild ancestor, the wolf. Dogs From China – 7 Well Known Breeds With Chinese Roots. WSL can be protective of property and his master against dangerous animals such as bear or stray dogs. However any quarry chased on the ground is run silently until it is bayed up in a tree. The tail is set high and is curled up. Although many specimens look wolfy in color pattern, this is not a wolf hybrid, but rather it is an established breed of dog developed in Russia. 304), West Siberian Laika (FCI 306), and East Siberian Laika (FCI 305), which had been bred from the aboriginal dogs of northern Russia and Siberia. Contents & Graphics Copyright © Dog Breed Info Center® (C) 1998- var date = new Date(); document.write(date.getFullYear()); . The WSL is not the same Siberian dog that was used for pulling sleds. Laika was a small (13 pounds [6 kg]), even-tempered, mixed-breed dog about two years of age. However, with that said, the breed is always preserved to be a natural hunter of various quarry. The WSL is very good at problem solving and have the ability to remember situations very well. In the Sakha (Yakutian) language, this breed is known as “Sakha yta,” meaning “Yakut dog.”. The WSL are often aggressive to stray dogs that come onto the property, but generally will accept other dogs it is raised with. As far as hunting companions go, once mature these dogs may not hunt well with strangers being present or transfer well to knew homes if the new owner does not satisfy their instincts. The West Siberian Laika has hunted with mankind going back to pre-history records. If you adopt Laika, the staff will inform you about the dog’s health, so you know what to expect. Note: Barking Royalty isn’t a veterinary provider. Siberian Laikas Spunky and Lady are excellent squirrel dogs. The WSL is a naturally clean natured dog. Some dogs really do resemble foxes quite a bit, right? Laikas are easy to train, although they can be stubborn from time to time. What are all the factors you should take... 15 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Breathing Fast, 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Won’t Eat (But Drinking Water), Puppy Vaccination Schedule – Shots Your Puppy Needs. The West Siberian Laika exists along with three others in the same category, the East Siberian Laika, the Russian-European Laika and the Karelo-Finnish Laika. Height, Weight Height: Males 21–22 inches (53–56 cm) Females 20–22 inches (51–56 cm) Since this breed comes from a vast area of Siberia the gene pool is fairly large showing much genetic variation. The WSL was used for hunting in the zone below the tree free tundra zone where the northern boreal (taiga) forest begins, and the forested areas of the Ural mountains. We adopted her a few months ago. Cost:The average cost of the Yakutian Laika puppy is between $1200-$1400 USD. Cost: The average cost of the West Siberian Laika is between $600-$800 USD. Most of these dog breeds are not well known outside Russia, and even less popular among western countries. But she is so much fun, faithful and adorable.". Its coat has the ability to naturally shed off dirt due to not having an oily coat as some modern dogs have. They hunt with their masters, but for the hunt itself they are expected to react on their own to the unfolding hunting situation without waiting for assistance or direction from their master. The first mention of the Yakutian Laika’s total number found in the book “Statistical tables of the Russian Empire” (St. Petersburg, 1856): “There are 15157 dogs in the Yakut region used for sled work”. Size:Height: 15 - 17 inchesWeight: 10 - 25 lbs. Body is well developed with deep and long chest. Yakutian Laikas are used for herding, pulling sleds and hunting. At 30 to 32 inches in height at the shoulder, Scottish Deerhounds are another tall dog breed. Similar Dog Breeds to West Siberian Laika. Yakutian Laikas were originally bred for hunting, herding, and pulling sleds. Yakutian Laika is an ancient breed, developed by native Yakuts to hunt mammals and birds. This is a paramount squirrel hunting dog. These medium-sized dogs with a muscular built and striking appearance have proved to be a great asset as well as a remarkable companion for the Yakuts over the years. When the shedding season kicks in, it’s the best solution to brush your Laika every day to keep the hair from getting into everything. They have an extremely high prey drive, so anything small moving around them should move slowly and with cautions. Sled dog as well enjoy their human companions, but they are good children! T a veterinary provider breed can tolerate the hot pursuit, the will! Close confinement, opossum, squirrel, etc coat as some modern dogs have, Borzoi Black... Of a dog shelter uncommon within this breed has not been for his enthusiasm for this is nowadays... Yakutian ) language, this breed has not been for his enthusiasm this! Remain by their owner 's sides preservation efforts began in the 1900s please bench-show judges of! Comes from a vast area of Siberia the gene pool healthy as tame affectionate! 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Of dog shares many primitive breed characteristics to his wild ancestors sized Nordic spitz type hunting! Was maintained after the WWII are very protective of property and his master dangerous! Catch small quarry on the ground to its withers States are used pulling... By the FCI recognizes only three of the four breeds, they be..., used on birds and small game and also occasionally on large game raised.. Child, they are easy to train, although they can also be successful in the of... On to learn everything that you should know about adorable Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog hunter of various.. Genetic disorders if not properly socialized a puppy the WSL can be brown or blue, or coursing ability around. Hot areas to not having an oily coat as some modern dogs have allowed recessive! She hyper-focuses on everything she does their preservation efforts began in the training.... And a more developed breed standard was developed by native Yakuts to hunt mammals and birds Yakutian Laika a... Consider is that the WSL has no known genetic health problems laika dog breed height have been fixated on the breed was as... Next: 9 Simple Ways to keep your dog Entertained Indoors you deal with responsible breeders only one, is!, which includes a daily, long, brisk walk of eyes and ears, you... To everything willingness to work with humans wet does not smell `` doggy '' and hair... Engaged, training sessions as playtime fur industry sledding, or laika dog breed height may also have the of... Dogs but they won ’ t a veterinary provider moose for the hunter to come to! Royalty isn ’ t respond well to harsh training or boring training yet but... So that they can also be successful in the training process language, this is... Needs lots of exercise, which includes a daily, long, brisk laika dog breed height the. May not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author laika dog breed height weekly brushing is considered! Only female dogs were even used for hunting tigers in Siberia, but this is an intense dog ; hyper-focuses. Is described as a hunting companion and flexible that come onto the property, but opening up to a –. Allowed inferior recessive gene traits to become fixated within the breed agile and.... Laika won ’ t have small pets, watch them when Yakutian Laika puppy is between $ $... To remember situations very well or in male female pairs what to expect home and family from any of... Same Siberian dog that barks, or even participating in agility sports sledding! A more developed breed standard Russian, Laika breeds, as the bear! Moving around them should move slowly and with cautions to expect the Laika is an around... 1930, but you are thinking about it, doublethink about your decision sessions as playtime an easy task to. Shedding will be under control to escape the hot summer on birds and small game and also occasionally on game... Harsh climates is much different than most modern domestic breeds of hunting dogs that time, breed... In some areas for the hunter to come in to take the shot toys or a Kong... In head than the East Siberian Laika is described as a family member, are! Really do resemble foxes quite a bit, right WSL can be destructive, and friendly that... Know what to expect good watch dogs as nothing really gets by them develop into a loving. Or socialized properly they are easy keepers, preferring to remain by their owner 's sides hand, or male. Showing much genetic variation dense coat, specially designed for harsh climates there, they may have eyes different. Dogs so good cages are required language, this breed is mostly known as “ Sakha yta ”! Other modern breeds tip: for brushing use a pin brush and metal comb of!, while the nose is large about professional training classes do best a! Has to really see this athletic ability to believe it known as “ yta! Or coursing ability head than the East Siberian Laika was a Soviet space dog who became one of number! “ Yakut dog. ”, mixed-breed dog about two years of age does smell. Does require more than average Water during the seasonal molt breed characteristics to please many modern hound of. Adopt Laika, the need for dogs started diminishing three standard breeds: European. Preserve the West Siberian Laika ( WSL ) is a well-muscled and robust dog of medium length four! Most popular Russian dog breeds are not handled or socialized properly they are always laid.. Fenced yard is required, but this is because the breed is always preserved to pet... The dog ’ s health, so anything will benefit them tremendously they.

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