how to develop a relationship with the holy spirit

They can’t be developed if we are disobedient to Him or if we grieve Him. I think Holy Spirit likes it when I look stupid. When I tried to tell my mom, she had no idea what I was talking about. It sounds to me as though your desire is to hear / receive the communication from the Holy Spirit, and that is the particular area you would like to grow in? Although I know I can’t do anything of myself, I really want to depend wholly on the Holy Spirit and the Spirit alone. We are “sealed” by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). You are what you eat. This is not always comfortable. Your email address will not be published. I have been listening to your messages for a year. I wrote you about that and now that I have been divorced for 6 months I blame myself for having ended up in this financially and otherwise difficult situation. There are many ways that the Holy Spirit communicates, and He longs to share what is on the Father’s heart for you. He needs to be hosted. One of the habits you can make that will bring awareness of the Holy Spirit in your life is regularly reading about the person and the work of the Holy Spirit. This blog was written by Vladimir Savchuk. (Ephesians 4:30) One of the main ways the Holy Spirit is grieved is when we are disobedient to His word and His leading. You are loved and very special to Jesus – you have been on a difficult spiritual journey, but it sounds like you have good friends, family and a church who are there for you, and that’s very important. A significant amount of the teaching on the School of Intimacy and Prayer is devoted to developing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Can the holy spirit separate people from certain friends? And, as I said, I have had bad experiences with evil spirits. The love of God is the foundation for everything, and the communion of the Holy Spirit is what will change everything! The Scriptures inspire us … God bless you, This is awesome, I was crying when reading this message. She sits near the throne of God. Establish Connection. One day at church, we were looking at a picture of angels and Jesus and I saw an angel that kind of looked like the man. Obedience is God’s love language. It seems to me that most people have limited the Holy Spirit baptism to speaking in tongues instead of walking in power. The closer it got to the dead sea the deeper and wider it got. Prayer is the foundation for knowing and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, especially by allowing times of silence in prayer. Lord please help me, I really need the Holy Spirit, I’ve been so self minded forgetting the Holy spirit. God bless u, I’m new at learning all this and just have a few questions if your able to help me or anyone these maybe stupied questions and i’m sorry but who is the holy sprite becasue it states in the name of the father which is God and the son which is Jesus and the holy sprite?does that mean both also in your reading i was confused becasue at the begining you state greiving for God is us not obeying thats how he sees it then in the middle of your reading you said we arent obeying and greiving so how can it be both thank you, please can you send the above books you mention to me as pdf..thank you. If you can’t run, walk. The Holy Spirit will communicate with you ‘on the go’. Today Pastor Benny Hinn continues his powerful and though-provoking message describing how you can experience true fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He was expecting Adam so that they can talk and Adam and can repent and move forward but Adam hid from God. Throughout Scripture we learn of how God spoke to people in many different times—not only when they were waiting, but also when they were travelling and working. THAT’S POWERFUL! Today, take time to pray and ask God to stir up the desire for a greater level of encounter and intimacy with Him. Holy Spirit I need you daily in my life, I am so bless reading your write up and become thirty for more knowledge on sustaining good relationship with the Holy Spirit, Wow! “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. However, I recognise that it is one of the most beneficial (and Biblical) things I can do. The one who walked with me when I was on earth. I know that God has seen my frustration and as a consequence given me a circle of senior pastor friends who do have intimate relationships with the Holy Spirit, and who in turn speak into my life. God does not always speak what we love to hear. His power is not for making us famous or rich or known but for Jesus’ name to influence our generation and that as many as possible to come to the Kingdom. Inspired by those authors’ passions for sharing their insights of the Holy Spirit. 17 He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. Does the desire to have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit resonate with you? That really opened my eyes.. Bless you MOG. This message was spoken at Mt. The Holy Spirit uses our spirit to communicate to us, but His voice will never contradict His word. The relationship that you have with Jesus is also in your human spirit, where you learn to turn to Him in times of stress, struggle, and temptation, away from your own thoughts and feelings. She was leading me on a trail made out of rocks. Francis Schaeffer described our relationship with the Holy Spirit this way: "The finite person, thinking, acting, and feeling, being in relationship with the infinite personal God and therefore making communication possible". Bible instructs us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. The most vivid memory of them that I have is of the girl. Vladimir Savchuk February 8, 2018 Blog 51 Comments. Our relationship with God will benefit from learning how we personally relate best to Him. Divine influence of the Holy spirit. This speaks of a relationship. Every relationship requires communication, and intimacy grows when we have special times together. I structure our ministry for the lost to be brought to the Kingdom. Special times spent in God’s Presence are vital to those of us who want to grow in prophetic ministry. (Jude 1:20, 1 Cor 14:2, Rom 8:26), [1] By way of an example, if you have the ‘YouVersion’ Bible App, the plan ‘Forgotten God’ with Francis Chan contains a simple Bible study on the Holy Spirit to get you started. Though we know that there is Holy Spirit but we forget to address as a person. This is awesome, definitely has encouraged me to gain a closer relationship to the Holy Spirit. It’s not always awesome prophetic words for other people or words of knowledge that bring immediate results. I have been searching for materials that will help me grow with my relationship with the Holy Spirit, so I could be a blessing to the world through my ministry. We are encouraged “not to grieve” the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) which speaks of intimacy. He is our constant Companion. Do you enjoy quiet times aside with God, or do you encounter Him best in the company of others? For many years now, I have functioned as a closet intercessor. Even though it is painful to discover that, I have learned something and I hope so much that Jesus will help me out of my situation. Make sure your ministry is headed toward the lost. In our leadership culture today, we tend to deny emotions we perceive as ‘weak’, and strive to always act in strong, faith-filled way. Operating in a spiritual gift is also a powerful opportunity to seek and lean in closer to an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Here is an article on different ways the Holy Spirit communicates that you may find helpful: Men don’t drown by falling into water but by staying there. Walking in the Holy Spirit: How to develop relationship with the Holy Spirit - Kindle edition by Savchuk, Vladimir. The world says to follow your gut; the Bible says to follow your God. I have tried two lines of approach, the first, trying to develop a relationship through The Rhema Word, and the second, waiting to hear the Still Small Voice. Amen. Wow! Even though I didn’t know their names, and I forgot their faces, I loved them and felt so safe even though my mother and sister weren’t there. It may be that you need to repent or apologize. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Walking in the Holy Spirit: How to develop relationship with the Holy Spirit. Many know about grace and love but very few practice communion with the Spirit. But as I got older, she realized I wasn’t lying. Always remember that when you speak the Name of Jesus, the anxiety and darkness has to leave when you tell it to go, and that you are stronger when you have others who care and pray with you. The New Testament demonstrates a life with God that is lived in the context of community, with accountability. He wants relationship, not rules. It’s powerful,my innerman is lifted searching for the Holy Spirit ,God bless you man of God, This is awesome, I was crying when reading this message. How to identify the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit. Watch Your Spiritual Diet. I m kindly asking for more of such material and books that can help me in Ministry. Pls sir,i need more of this to my mail. 2nd Timothy was written by Paul from his Roman prison cell. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. Please kindly send the greatest power in the world by Kathryn kuhlman as PDF to me on Whatsapp…08160857413. In Ezekiel 47, water came out of the temple and went to the dead sea, lowest point on earth. I fast for that. Thanks for sharing. We can develop a relationship with the Holy Spirit that is more real than any other relationship in our lives. That is your inheritance in Jesus! Jesus gives eternal life and abundant life (John 10:10). About suicide. We do not refer to the Holy Spirit as “it” or a “power”. Surely this massage has changed my focus and also healed my heart glory to God. Required fields are marked *. Come back to Him when you make a mistake. The purpose of the power of the Holy Spirit is for making us into witnesses (Acts 1:8). I currently have a best friend that is way older than me and she helps me the most. When you fellowship with the Holy Spirit, start with the awareness that He is with you, then turn attention to Him and then lift your hearts with affection towards Him. FIVE WAYS TO DEVELOP A WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT 1. Thank you and God bless! When we start living in the Holy Spirit we will make mistakes, fall into our old patterns. (I live in Melbourne, Australia). Hi Voke,this is a really good question, especially if what we are concerned about is causing us emotion, or if it is a matter of great importance. Being grounded in Scripture ensures that we have a strong foundation for developing an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. I feel so alone and terrified. I’m glad to hear you have a received a vision from God that you can live regret-free. I suspect you’ve already been hearing the Holy Spirit … I pray for that daily. Amen.” 2 Corinthians 13:14. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. Positive. The key is to always bounce back. With that in mind, are there some practical ways that we can develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit—whilst going about our daily life, family, business and ministry? If you want to walk in the Holy Spirit, start with talking to the Holy Spirit. One of the things that you can do as well if you don’t like reading is to watch/listen to messages on the Holy Spirit, here are a few links of my messages that could be of blessing to you: Intimacy with the Holy SpiritRelationship with the Holy SpiritHow to know the Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:9-13), Finally, remember that ‘praying in the Spirit’ is one of the most intimate encounters you can have with the Holy Spirit. Yours Conny. The answer to ‘am I a vessel?’ is always yes! I love the fact you said, the Holy Spirit already knows our weakness, so we don’t need to keep running away when fall short of the standard. There is much more but this is just a few things that will wet your appetite and give you broader knowledge of this amazing person. I truly believe that we quench the power of the Holy Spirit when we live inward focused lives that don’t reach out to the lost souls. One way we learn how to hear the Holy Spirit is by understanding that He has emotions and He can be grieved. Do you find yourself doing all the talking in your … 3. Sign up to receive Enliven Blog posts via e-mail and get a FREE copy of my e-book. I can identify with you too with desires that I’ve had many years that are yet to be fulfilled. It is exciting to here people talk about their hunger for deeper relation with the Holy Spirit. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I am so incredibilly grateful for your words on regret. When I was younger my main prayer was to hear God’s voice but now my prayer is for God to give me the grace to heed His voice. Feed yourself with messages about the Holy Spirit. As a result, there is no ceiling on my ministry and intimate relationship with God. The Holy Spirit Enables God’s Relationship With Us John 14:15-21 “If you love me, obey my commandments. In order to achieve this you will need to work in harmony with God, find a correct path to practice, and walk the path led by the Holy Spirit. It begins with the revelation of His nearness—the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is present in and with us and so we believe it. I think it’s easy to keep the Holy Spirit as an abstract reality. Hi Hamadzang, this certainly is a big question. I wondered how it was that she could skip and dance on the rocks with out falling when I was having such a hard time. The grace of Jesus changed our lives. But they did. They help clarify what God is doing in my life and provide a means of accountability and growth. (John 14:16), The revealer of Father’s purpose and everything God has made available to us (John 16:14-15), The Anointing who is within and upon us (1 John 2:27, Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18), As God’s intimate Presence with us (John 15:15-18). We would talk, and then he would leave. I regularly share descriptions of my encounters with God with my leaders and fellow team members. In your quest for intimacy with the Holy Spirit, take time to study what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit as well as how people in Scripture lived and walked in an intimate relationship with God. We can often see him as a far off and mysterious being. I have oversight protection from a circle of senior pastors, who in turn supply me with a variety of needs to take to The Lord in prayer. Cultivating an awareness of God’s Presence does not mean that we will always feel Him physically. Truly accept the Holy Spirit Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We are encouraged “not to grieve” the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30) which speaks of intimacy. My life was almost becoming a mess. Hello Kelvin, thank you for leaving the question. Pay Attention to, and Cultivate an Awareness of the Holy Spirit, Relate to the Holy Spirit in a Natural Way, 6. In the past, I wouldn’t think of asking for his guidance, wisdom and friendship whenever I was troubled or had a concern. Hungry Generation3203 W SylvesterPasco, WA 99301509-544-0938[email protected]. Create a greater capacity in your spirit man for the Holy Spirit We … Now that you’ve tuned in, it’s time to establish a lasting connection with your … Blessings as you seek Him in these ways, B! Glory to Jesus, Sir may God bless you and continue using you . Many people invite the Holy Spirit, but few know how to host Him. This type of relationship is important, because He is the administrator of the new covenant of grace under which we live. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and we will receive power, tongues were not mentioned in Acts 1:8. When you don’t trust Him enough to pull you out of whatever struggle you find yourself in. It should provoke others to desire what we have, not put them off. What you have written pretty much follows what I have learnt over the years in Bible College and in my own study of Scripture. She asked me to stay on the stones and not stray onto outside of the trail. You cannot have the father and the Son without first accepting the Holy Spirit. All three are necessary for developing a healthy balanced walk in the Spirit of God. Many people after starting the fellowship with the Holy Spirit will begin to have a fellowship with the Holy Spirit, it’s when the Holy Spirit will talk to you. You need to accept the Holy Spirit who is seeking you. This word is also for you. This is good….. Ive been seeking more knowledge about Holy Spirit. We have all heard of individuals who have taken to a cave, room or wilderness, spent weeks with God and emerged on fire, powered up and talking about intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Those are nice but at times God’s voice will lead you like Abraham to give up something you are attached you. Pls sir need for of this to my mail. Was glad I read this and the knowledge in this write up is just so great. Jesus is the Lamb of God (John 1:29) and the Baptizer with the Holy Spirit (John 1:25-34). I remember things that I thought was real. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. Be One With The Holy Spirit | How To Develop A Closer Relationship With The Holy Spirit - Chrictian Motivation Published in Christian Motivation Saturday, 28 November 2020 15:08 Therefore, we know that we are developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit if we have a growing awareness of Jesus’ love for us, and our love for Him Developing a Personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit To develop a relationship with someone, such as a friend, neighbor, or family member, it is important to get to know them by spending time together and communicating. You will also discover that there are one or more ways that you mostly hear from the Holy Spirit. This is an amazing resources.. Goodmorning holy spirit by Benny hinn. All we need do, is repent and get back in fellowshipping with Him. A real job would be a breakthrough and I could move out then, because my nasty landlord will certainly not change his character (last night he first argued with his wife and then later turned on the music at 3:10 in the morning). You should not feel guilty for not spending time with the Holy Spirit but you should feel thirsty. “The church has abandoned the one I sent to alongside with them. I had to repent of not partnering with Holy Spirit. I invite everyone to find and read the Book of Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) it often refers to the Holy Spirit as ‘Her’, a Femanin spirit. I monthly support ministries that win the souls. Pastor Vlad is the lead pastor of Hungry Generation Church, an author of “Break Free” and “Single, Ready to Mingle” and a founder of free online school “Vlad’s School.” To download free e-books, sermon series, small group study guides go to Over the ensuing years God has greatly blessed me, and I have learnt a lot. If you've longed to feel the very presence of the Holy Spirit and have a deeper connection with God, this book will show you how. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the … If possible please pray for me again, because I know whenever you praid something happened here and I got through with my English course and some other things turned out fine. i have a challenging situation that always makes me worry ,I had a dream whe i was seven years now i am 42 and i still remember it vividly .Some of the meaning of the dream has to do with prophesy and being in that ministry and being led by the infill of the holy spirit.At times i see visions ,have dreams which come to reality or at times say out a word prophesy that would come to pass.My big question is am i really a vessel of God or its something else .I have a desire to be filled with the holy spirit and fulfill the journey. We are “sealed” by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13). Hi Helen, Thank you for responding to my question on building a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Practice Accountability in Your Spiritual Experiences, 7. If you can’t walk, crawl but don’t ever stay there in guilt and shame. Hi Helen, I have read and reread your article on Growing in intimacy with The Holy Spirit. This does not mean though we have to listen to everything that comes to our head. Invest your life into the salvation of souls. In those moments of prayer, you unite with the Holy Spirit to establish Father’s purposes for your life and those who are on His heart. We need both. God bless you for you post and words of encouragement. I pray that you will receive a fresh touch from God, Kelvin and that your faith will be stirred to reach and reach again. From eating disorders to “road rage” to violence in schools—the evidence of the lack of self-control is everywhere. Available MP3 Download: Develop A Relationship With The Holy Spirit, by Gary Hargrave, Portuguese translation by Silas Esteves. Both of these have ended in utter frustration. In that God is testing you if you want to go deeper with Him or stay on the same level. I also have anxiety. What a timely message, I was really looking for the message on the Holy Spirit. Wow!! I still need an employment because I only work on a small freelance job as lecturer for business English students and I hope there will be enough participants in October so that I can go on. Holy Spirit once revealed to me during my fast that as long as I value Him and heading in the direction of the lost with all my being, His grace will gradually increase in my life. I say that because … to refer to the Holy Spirit because He is a Person. Discover how you Uniquely Connect with the Holy Spirit (and put it into Practice), 3. She was dancing on the rocks and laughing, turning around every once in a while. Am so blessed by this message sir I just stumbled on your material, and it’s so impactful and refreshing. Thank you Jerry for sharing these resources. Ditto to above comments. Thank you, Jose, and yes – something we all need to remember that our intimate relationship with God is far above everything else in significance and the source from which all ministry flows and pours forth. [1]. God’s best is within reach for you. The ninth fruit of God’s Holy Spirit, temperance (from the Greek word egkrateia, meaning “self-control”), is a quality that is clearly lacking in today’s society. I do all that and more. Messages on Holy Spirit was an eye opener to me. Our salvation gives us the relationship but our pursuit of the Holy Spirit brings about intimacy. And she said that she didn’t know who I was talking about, since she wouldn’t leave me alone at someone else’s house at my age. I need wisdom to see the way Jesus has for me and take the right steps. Now i know who i need to know in person thats the HoslySpirit. Come to know the Holy Spirit as counselor, helper, and best friend in a dynamic, life-giving relationship. If so, how does one do this? I do agree with you in prayer for the job, may His favour open a new place of employment and make a way for you to live in a peaceful place! Souls matter to the Holy Spirit, and they have to matter to me. Ephesians 4:30 (AMP) says, "Do … Helen, I will deeply respect and prayerfully consider any insights and suggestions that you may offer. That has been my heart’s desire particularly over this last twenty years. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. You no longer have to go to a particular place, like Moses did, but can be with God wherever you are. I feel a pit in my stomach, hiding everything good away. I really need guidance. The Bible reveals that the Holy Spirit has a will and emotions. Yes I have been inspired by the example of Rees Howells and George Muller and others. 3 Ways to Develop a Personal Relationship with the Holy Spirit by Dave VanVickle— Why aren’t more Christians experiencing the power and grace of the Holy Spirit in their everyday lives? He testifies that we are God's children. I kept wallowing in regret, because I stayed too long with my ex-husband.

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