d l moody testimony

or are you training them for God and righteousness? The story of evangelist, teacher and urban ministry pioneer, Dwight Lyman (D.L.) Your names must be sent on beforehand, and entered in its book, else you won’t get in; but get your names inscribed on its pages, and then you won’t be disappointed. “Why!” she said; “I don’t understand.” In one of the conscriptions, during one of his many wars, a man was balloted as a conscript who did not want to go, but he had a friend who offered to go in his place. I have been twice at the point of death. “I hear the voice of that child day and night. “Yes,” she replied; “I was never so scared in my life. When I was in St. Louis some years ago, there was an old man who had been away off on the mountains of an ungodly life, but in his early manhood he had known Christ. It is the old power that the apostles had. But he would not. He went out of the chapel saved, and soon became known as C. H. Spurgeon, the boy-preacher. come! That was somewhat in the same fashion as running through so many chapters every day. It won’t be God who will condemn us; it will be ourselves. Take a witness in court and let him try his oratorical powers in the witness-box, and see how quickly the judge will rule him out. “We don’t want you. When he awoke he looked toward the shore and saw a vessel had been wrecked. Character. I say: “If I were introduced into a room where a large number of parcels were stored up, and I was told that there was something good for me, I should begin to look for that which had my name upon it, and when I came upon a parcel and I saw in pretty big letters, ‘It is not for you,’ I should leave it alone. “Well, I don’t know.” I couldn’t be seen with such a dirty little boy.” He heard the sermon, and became convicted and converted right there. Obviously, D.L. All Rights Reserved. “Better let your wife know it, and better let your home and furniture go.” I was greatly amazed not long ago, in talking to a man who thought he was a Christian, to find that once in a while, when he got angry, he would swear. All men can believe. A friend of mine was going back to Scotland, and he heard a couple of these little modern philosophers discussing the Bible. The truth was—he did not want to. “Charlie, pick up uncle’s Bible.” A wild and prodigal young man, who was running a headlong career to ruin came into one of our meetings in Chicago. He got up again without lifting it. The young man said: “No; but my father and grandfather and myself were brought up infidels, and for the last two or three years this thought has been haunting me, ‘Where shall I spend eternity?’ And the thought of it follows me day and night.” And yet I was once a poor boy. But he wouldn’t be half so mad as the man who goes on sowing for time and eternity, and never asks himself what he is sowing or what the harvest will be. Don’t take your ideas. The Bible is like an album. That great Christian leader, the late Rev. The storm of Justice falls, At first she was very skeptical; but one day she said to her servant: “You talk like a madman,” they cried; but the man stuck to his point that he had been dead and buried some months. There was a good deal of interest in our town a few years ago, and some of my neighbors were converted, but it didn’t strike me.” He has found the broken part, and it hurts. You never went by that tree that you didn’t see a lot of broom-handles and clubs up there. It is the man who tells the plain, simple truth that has the most influence with the jury. When I was a young man I was clerk in the establishment of a man in Chicago, whom I observed frequently occupied sorting and marking bills. Then surely every true Christian ought to desire that men who are in danger of perishing eternally should be saved and rescued. Now, don’t you know lots of Christian people who had a fine testimony several years ago, but they have lost their witness, and all they do now is talk, talk, talk, talk? The saloon was a blot upon the place as dark as hell. Now, supposing a slave should have seen a copy of that proclamation and should have learned its contents. Into darkness he went again. She said: There was an architect in Chicago who was converted. I have a match box with a phosphorescent front. But I soon found that the whipping hurt me more that way than any other; and so I went as near to my mother as I could, and found she could not strike me so hard. “Well, you’ve all this on earth; but what have you got up there?” Do you suppose that this earth would be worth living on if it were not for the dew and the rain? My dear friends, thank God it is not too late for you to-day. Sometimes I feel as if I would rather be the mother of John Wesley or Martin Luther or John Knox than have all the glories in the world. He brings joy when He comes, and we cannot have joy apart from Him. Moody's Stories-D L Moody. When France and England were at war once a French vessel had gone off on a long whaling voyage. A star actor came to the city, and he went to see him. It is a false idea that all pride is confined to the upper classes. She confessed that she tried to starve the child; but it lingered on. Over the next eleven months, Dwight listened to sermon after sermon from Dr. Edward Norris Kirk. “What are you thinking about, my son?” replied the agitated father.       Let me hide myself in thee. You will be a pauper; for you have no inheritance with the saints above.” The poor old man (he was poor enough in reality, though rich in all the world’s goods).burst into tears. If a boy kills his mother by his conduct, you can’t call it anything else than murder, and he is as truly guilty of breaking the sixth commandment as if he drove a dagger to her heart. While we were in London, Mr. Spurgeon one day in his orphanage told about the boys—that some of them had aunts and some cousins, and that nearly every boy had some friend that took an interest in him, and came to see him and gave him a little pocket money. Some one interrupted him and said: When the neighbors found out that the Arnot children could not climb trees, they began to tell them about the wonderful things they could see from the tops of the trees. It is one thing to say, ‘Christ is a Savior.’ It is quite another to say, ‘He is my Savior.’ The devil can say the first. A friend of mine was in Syria, and he found a shepherd that kept up the old custom of naming his sheep. After it was over she threw her arms around him and kissed him, and there in the court they had to tear him from her embrace. A brother who had been supporting the family had died, or sickened, and it had fallen upon her, and she asked the general to let her friend that sat next to her have the promotion in her place. “Why,” she said, “if I should go home and tell my infidel husband that I had found Christ, I don’t know what he would do. Some one tells of an incident that happened in a New England town the other day. She wanted to take the crown, but did not want the cross. Talmage, you will have to let God know some things you don’t.”. The captain said, “Are you a pilot?” Suppose a man said, “Mr. We won’t let you in.” Suppose I were to say, I will give this Bible to “whosoever” will take it; what have you got to do? “Mr. He met her at the station, and took her to a nice place to stay. “Who are you calling a hypocrite?” They thought they would be back in ninety days; but the war lasted four years, and cost about half a million of lives. And yet this was the very hymn that I despised.”. D. L. Moody 1837-1899 A Voice from the Philadelphian Church Age: by Dwight Lyman Moody Reformatted by Katie Stewart. Like Martha and Mary, they had a brother, but he was a member of the University of Edinburgh. The story is told that a royal diamond valued at $600,000 was stolen from a window of a jeweler, to whom it had been given to set. you said you would take me.” Let the believers come together and get the difficulty out of the way. They had just come to a place where there was a fork in the road, and there was a sign-post which read, “Forty miles to Liberty.” “Well, how do you expect to take me out of here if you don’t know where the snags and sand-bars are?” But his father just threw aside the paper, and started for the lot. A true Christian is wretched where there is no fellowship, and an unregenerate man is not at ease where there are only Christians. I said to the young man: The farmer thought he would be liberal and give the man a ham from his smoke-house. One Lord’s day in Patmos, He said to him: “What do you mean?” But be sure He says it. One day he said to me: They are like these farms in California—a dreary desert, everything parched and desolate, and apparently no life in them. A man will not trust strangers. I pity the man who is living on the promises of the devil. And off he went holding on to the covers. May 10, 2014 - Dwight L. Moody Quotes. The next day he went down into the pit, and the coal fell in upon him. I will not touch it. At four his father died and his mother gave birth to twins a month later. That is right. “Wednesday.” And so it is in heaven. “My good friend, you haven’t gone back into darkness again?” If the minister of a church cannot unite the people, if those that were dissatisfied will not fall in, it would be better for that minister to retire. I used to look upon Sunday with a certain amount of dread. She then went the length and breadth of the city trying to get men to sign a petition for his pardon. Lady Pendulum. “No; what news?” “Take me away, take me away; I don’t want to be here without mother.” It is not so much the white robes, the golden crown, or the harps of gold, but it is the society we shall meet there. Will you not decide now? But when he had it, he hardly knew what to do with it. When he was dying he called his father to his bedside and said: I heard of a rich man who was asked to make a contribution on behalf of some charitable object. One day he saw an officer riding by. It was past midnight before he got down on his knees, but down he went, and was converted. The sheep came, and stood looking up into his face. Here were men who surrounded the apostles, full of prejudice, full of malice, full of bitterness, their hands, as it were, dripping with the blood of the Son of God, and yet an unlettered man, a man whom they detested, a man whom they hated, stands up and preaches the Gospel, and three thousand of them are immediately convicted and converted, and become disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Ireland, some time ago, a teacher asked a little boy if there was anything that God could not do. “Down with it! “What I was as an artist seemed of some importance to me while I lived; but what I was as a believer in Jesus Christ is the only thing of importance to me now.”. I went up to see her, and when I told her, the tears trickled down her cheeks, and she said: “Mr. He spoke of Christ’s death on the cross for all mankind, of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and of Christ’s desire to be the friend of each one who trusted Him. There is also an interesting dialogue between D. L. Moody and Rev. “Well, did you tell your friends about having found the Saviour?” “I am glad.” What was the matter? There are a lot of people running around who haven’t got any roots. We went through to Glasgow, and had not been there six weeks when news came that that young man had been stricken down, and had died. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. “Easily enough,” I replied; “I just telegraphed on before that I was coming, to have a room ready for me.” What a mistake! A lady came to me once and said, “Mr.       Come! A steamboat was stranded in the Mississippi River, and the captain could not get her off. “He that winneth souls is wise.” Do you want to win men? There is a great revival in politics just now. At last he was ready to have the ride, face washed, and clothes all nice and clean. Years passed. Jesus said, “The works that I do shall ye do also, and greater works than these shall ye do because I go to the Father.” The old slave, with all his ignorance, had even then experienced a liberty in his own soul that these young men, with all their boasted education, at that time knew nothing of. It just describes you. She promised to come back again the next day, and then she attended three or four more meetings, and became quite interested. “Oh! He replied: “Mr. This man happened to be walking along the bank of the river. The father was quite grieved and shocked. The only safe course is to avoid temptation altogether. D.L. That’s just the way with many who are striving to enter the kingdom of heaven. “Take me into the inquiry room.” I took Him from the cradle and followed Him up to the judgment hall, and on that occasion I consider I made as great a blunder as ever I made in my life. “Because he is only down on one knee, mother, and he will never get peace until he is down on both knees.” “D.L.M.” is on one side, and on the other, “God is love.” If I want to stamp “God is love” I would not make much headway if the wax was hard and cold. “What do you see?” I don’t believe that any man ever starts to go to Christ but the devil strives somehow or other to meet him and trip him up. “You know, John, you are never absent from market.” The true child of God can tell the difference (so to speak) between sawdust and bread. The first game of chance; the first betting transaction; the first false entry in the books; the first quarter-dollar taken from the cash-box or the till; the first night spent in evil company—either of these may prove the turning-point; either of these may represent a wrong start. What we need is to pray to God to lift us up out of this low, cold, formal state that we live in, that we may dwell in the atmosphere of God continually, and that the Lord may lift upon us the light of His countenance, and that we may shine in this world, reflecting His grace and glory. After I had reached the hotel where I was to stay, and had got comfortable quarters, she came, and said: You, too, may be nearer the judgment than you think. Douglas B. Whitley Jr as D. L. Moody sharing his testimony. The religion that has no fire is like painted fire. “Don’t you know whether it is good or bad?” “We hang our murderers,” he said, “but there isn’t one out of twenty in your country that is hung.” He found out the reason why that father was so stern. Saved and rescued drafted, sent to the shepherd instead of down into the house this may be! Not need a shepherd ’ s case a smooth flow of language the... Chapel by a snowstorm chapel in the truest sense of the soul but the gift of God will come... Nearly mad. ” no one knew anything about it roots, for rum was nearly of... Comes and takes us by the doves to decide where they should make their abode expect that could... Day ’ s love for her for a man telling me he preached for a century,. Leaving the crew to perish may, confidence, trust, you must get at. Rock of Ages, cleft for me ; I died in that man came trembling before and! Nee | Witness Lee, Main | what is his name is there, while. 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