copper toxicity iud

TMA data strongly suggest that most women today are slow oxidizers. As well, depression that might not develop until years or decades after going off the Pill is almost never associated with a young woman's early years on the Pill, even though research shows ", HOWEVER, what the media and doctors aren't teaching our women is that the, Update September 2017: The petition above has been started to help women receive fuller disclosure. We tested c … such as fatigue, nausea, depression, irritability, cravings, mood swings, brain fog, among many others. Yes, you SHOULD absolutely worry about copper toxicity due to the copper IUD!!! But when the woman is estrogen dominant (low progesterone) or already copper toxic, the cycle build up of estrogen leads to a further increase of copper along with its correlated emotional symptoms. With estrogen rising, and with too severe a copper imbalance, severe emotional and psychological issues can develop. Females inherently have higher copper, increasing as they enter the teen years. Copper toxicity can result from chronic or long-term exposure to high levels of copper through contaminated food and water sources. For this reason, the. , the copper IUD carries with it the well-known side effects of heavy bleeding and menstrual pain, including cramping and backache. Pesticides are our biggest source of xenoestrogens, both from crops and produce as well as eating meat from animals which previously consumed those crops. Even without an infection, the copper content in the IUD may present too much for some women depending on their biochemical makeup. It’s true, the copper IUD known as Paragard is hormone free, meaning it doesn’t release synthetic hormones into the body the way Mirena, Skyla, and Liletta do. As mentioned, copper levels are proven to increase in the body after IUD insertion, and considering other environmental factors (such as having copper pipes in the home) and dietary choices, the IUD could be the thing that puts someone over a healthy copper level. As a side note, Casper also notes in the podcast that excess estrogen can cause copper retention, so interestingly, hormonal birth control users may have similar symptoms as those who experience side effects with copper IUDs. "Among women who used hormonal contraceptives currently or recently, the risk of attempting suicide was nearly double that of women who had never used contraceptives. But when the woman is estrogen dominant (low progesterone) or already copper toxic, the cycle build up of estrogen leads to a further increase of copper along with its correlated emotional symptoms. This is something your doctor will not tell you about. Anything that raises estrogen (as the pill does) increases copper retention, and in turn, many of the direct psychological effects of copper (especially depression and anxiety). The estrogen <--> copper connection and why many 'mood' symptoms typically blamed on hormones are actually caused by this mineral imbalance. So how does the copper IUD work, exactly? After giving birth, if the mother is not able to detox her copper load (either through natural and healthy liver and bile functioning) or through breast-feeding, much of her elevated copper level remains stored in her body, a contributing factor to depression / PPD, and anxiety. It sounds like magic, but it’s just science. The ParaGard device is a T-shaped plastic frame that's inserted into the uterus. I could hardly walk. *Endometriosis  *PCOS  *Fibrocystic breasts  *breast tenderness  *bloating  *mood swings  *memory loss  *weight gain  *brain fog  *hair loss  *increased irritability  osteoporsis  *hypothyroid  *slow metabolism  *insomnia  *fatigue  *PMS  *headaches  *hypoglycemia. We've already seen through scientific studies of wildlife how frogs and fish are switching gender due to this rise in estrogens. Sailing Soon Recommended for you 8:51 COPPER IUD SIDE EFFECTS - Duration: 6:46. In addition, women on the copper IUD have reported feeling other effects often associated with copper poisoning such as headaches, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, nausea, and heart palpitations, among other side effects. What is a Copper IUD and […] It sounds like magic, but it’s just science. As mentioned, copper levels are proven to. Evidence of a true causal relationship between ParaGard (currently the only approved copper IUD in the US) and copper toxicity is yet to be seen. Enter: copper toxicity. Further, the copper IUD can cause copper toxicity, or excess copper in the body. Philip Ball testifying in 1970 on the side effects of birth control at the Nelson Pill Hearings. It isn’t like adding an implant I just want people to be aware that heavy metal toxicity is real and what to watch for. Non-hormonal /Copper based IUD release copper into the uterus and prevent pregnancy by stopping sperm from fertilizing an egg and reduces sperm movement. I got a copper iud months ago because I wanted a safe form of bc without the hormones, and so far the pros with it have outweighed the cons. While there are no large-scale studies confirming that copper toxicity is a possible side effect for women who use the copper IUD (except for those who have a preexisting condition like Wilson’s disease), anecdotal evidence of the mood-altering effects (often attributed to copper toxicity) of the copper IUD abounds. James stresses that while copper toxicity from an IUD is unlikely, all women should still be aware of the signs and symptoms to look out for. A fine nylon thread is attached to the IUD - the thread comes out through the cervix into the top end of the vagina. Doctors and pharmaceutical companies assure women that unless they have a known genetic disorder (such as Wilson’s disease) that affects their body’s ability to filter out copper, that copper toxicity from this IUD is extremely unlikely. In fact, women with a history of PPD have significantly higher serum levels of copper[32]. Further, the copper IUD can cause copper toxicity, or excess copper in the body. On an episode of the Fertility Friday Podcast, Julie Casper, a health practitioner who specializes in Tissue and Mineral Analysis, describes a scenario where using the copper IUD can lead to copper toxicity. Get ready for a slightly sticky, sperm-deadly ride. The serum copper level almost doubles during pregnancy! Around 60% of women go off the Pill in the first six months due to unwanted side effects. There are two types of copper IUDs available in Australia - one lasts for 5 years and the other for 10 years. Copper Toxicity is a condition that is increasingly common in this day and age, due to the widespread occurrence of copper in our food, copper fungicides, e-cigs, Copper IUD's, hot water pipes, along with the common nutritional deficiencies in Zinc, Manganese and other trace minerals that help keep levels of Copper in balance. It’s true, the copper IUD known as Paragard is hormone free, meaning it doesn’t release synthetic hormones into the body the way Mirena, Skyla, and Liletta do. It's placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. For some women, the copper IUD experience is without any significant symptoms, at least initially. If you are struggling with copper toxicity, or experiencing changes in your mood while being on the IUD, let these stories support you in knowing you are not alone. This study, available in full here, shows the mean copper increases in females as they enter adolescence. The connection between copper toxicity and the copper IUD; What is copper toxicity or excess copper and what causes it? You might have the nocebo effect. Studies have clearly shown that, The majority of women on the pill have negative side effects [19], but because this all-important mineral connection is so rarely discussed (even denied!) Increasing calcium intake in a slow oxidizer will especially allow for increased accumulations of excess copper. ” The average release rate of the TCu-200s was 43.8 μg/day from the 21st up to the 41st months of use.” … A copper IUD is a small device with a fine copper wire wrapped around a plastic frame. Excess copper can create symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, depression, irritability, cravings, mood swings, brain fog, among many others. I read up on copper toxicity from copper IUDs yesterday. Follow me on Instagram: below for any questions and I'll message you back :) I’ve lost so much hair, it just fell out in globs. Many women actually experience this the week before their period when estrogen levels increase (PMS). Copper IUD increases copper causing anxiety and panic attacks, depression, hair loss, anger, rage, brain fog, spaciness, paranoia, anemia, and fatigue. So while the copper IUD has been falsely praised as a natural birth-control option, it’s worth remembering there is nothing natural about placing a foreign device in your body, and it isn’t as side-effect free as your doctor may think. A zinc deficiency then allows copper to accumulate further, especially with the presence of estrogens and xenoestrogens which impair the body’s ability to excrete the excess copper. Made with the intention of providing people coping with copper (CU) toxicity support and information, the site articulates that excessive copper is an “excitotoxin,” which causes the adrenals to weaken from over-stimulation. ~Dr. During pregnancy, estrogen rises, increasing copper retention. If there is an infection or inflammation in the body, the body will actively draw more copper from the IUD in an effort to fight the infection, which will create an imbalance of minerals and cause symptoms of copper toxicity, like those listed above. Some of these women have shared their stories here at Natural Womanhood. When I apply copper topically, I apply 2000 times more copper. In the article, I read further and it made a lot of sense on how the biochemistry, and the IUD, and your body all work together. As with other IUDs, there is also the risk of painful insertion and risks of migration, ectopic pregnancy, and uterine perforation. I have the non-hormonal copper IUD. in the body after IUD insertion, and considering other environmental factors (such as having copper pipes in the home) and dietary choices, the IUD could be the thing that puts someone over a healthy copper level. The failure rates for different models vary between 0.1 and 2.2% after 1 year of use. It's placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. In fact, women with a history of PPD have significantly higher serum levels of copper[32]. Note the similarity between those symptoms and the symptoms of copper toxicity. Reprinted with permission. Many homes contain copper plumbing, which means that the tap water, as well as the water you bathe and shower can contain high levels of copper. Approximately 5% of the population in the US, or upwards of 10%-15% of the population in northern European countries, have the genetic Factor V gene mutation, resulting in Factor V Leiden (thrombopholia). For this reason, the Paragard website even says, “Do not use Paragard if you have a pelvic infection, get infections easily,” and so on. Even stress contributes to excess estrogen, while estrogen in turn mimics the shock phase of the stress reaction. As a result, copper toxicity symptoms (commonly also seen as copper IUD symptoms) may simultaneously reflect that of both copper deficiency and toxicity. Generally, having an IUD inserted isn’t painful. The copper problem has significantly worsened in the years since the birth control pill was introduced. , Julie Casper, a health practitioner who specializes in Tissue and Mineral Analysis, describes a scenario where using the copper IUD can lead to copper toxicity. Copper IUD’s work by releasing small but significant amounts of copper into the uterus. The aim was to ascertain any danger of copper toxicity with copper-medicated IUD use. As she explains on her blog , her birth in an area of Germany well-known for toxic amounts of heavy metals in its water, high-copper dietary habits in childhood and home with pipes made of copper were the “perfect storm” for copper toxicity. For women as they enter their late-thirties, progesterone levels begin to decline more quickly than estrogen, further contributing to estrogen dominance in women. A fine nylon thread is attached to the IUD - the thread comes out through the cervix into the top end of the vagina. I haven’t seen an exception yet." Sometimes these medications are tolerated well, but many times the side effects are insidious, like depression, anxiety, lack of libido, or headaches that can too easily be ascribed to just being a 'teenager' or a 'moody female'. There is no actual scientific study proving that excess copper or copper toxicity is a “thing”….yet. Anything going on in your life currently causing you stress? Yes, you SHOULD absolutely worry about copper toxicity due to the copper IUD!!! , wrote, “copper is considered a less toxic heavy metal but has been associated with sabotaging thyroid function.” The thyroid—as in, the gland that directly affects our reproductive hormones—is damaged by copper. Xenoestrogens are manmade chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body. Many of the emotional symptoms of PMS are also copper induced as estrogen rises during the cycle. So, a copper IUD is not suitable, and the woman could develop copper toxicity. This makes implantation of a copper IUD in a female that is already (and usually unknowingly) overloaded in copper a recipe for disaster. Also developed pulmonary hypertension, which can be caused by excess copper in the blood, while having the IUD.”. If this matters to you, please click and sign. Copper Toxicity Symptoms Iud Source(s): 0 0 gornto Lv 4 4 years ago Copper Toxicity Iud Source(s): 0 0 Anonymous 5 years ago You're an idiot katie. Frequently Asked Questions: Is it painful to have a copper IUD inserted? The device is placed in the uterus and lasts up to twelve years. Further, the copper IUD can cause copper toxicity, or excess copper in the body. What is the copper IUD? I figured it was time for an update from this post written a few months after I had the IUD inserted . Birth control pills don’t contain copper, but they can raise the copper levels in the body. Estrogen rises up until ovulation at which point progesterone takes over as the dominant hormone and helps bring down estrogen (and copper). Reproduction and distribution of this material without written permission is prohibited. Some women have voiced … Copper toxicity is a hidden epidemic. In addition, women on the copper IUD have reported feeling, other effects often associated with copper poisoning. MATERIAL AND METHODS Cu-IUD fragments were inserted into the uterine horns of female Wistar rats for 26 weeks (equivalent 15.42-17.33 years in humans). While some women can handle them, others experience depression, anxiety, personality shifts and many horrible side effects from them, either acute or chronic." Some women have spotting or bleeding in between periods. Known in the United States by the trade name Paragard®, the copper IUD carries with it the well-known side effects of heavy bleeding and menstrual pain, including cramping and backache. The liver is the primary storage location. Estrogen dominance is a major issue which really throws off our mineral balance and leads to increased copper retention. Update September 2017: The petition above has been started to help women receive fuller disclosure. (It would be interesting to see how even more prevalent this connection would surely be if proper HTMA testing had been done for that study). I’ve now had my copper IUD for six years, which is over half its ten year lifespan. Known in the United States by the trade name Paragard®, the copper IUD carries with it the well-known side effects of heavy bleeding and menstrual pain, including cramping and backache. 8 years ago. Believed by many to be the “natural” option for birth control (given that it does not contain any synthetic hormones), the copper IUD has its own set of risks. [64]. For some people, the simple decision to use a copper IUD can change their entire life trajectory, destroying important relationships, and beginning a cascade of health issues that can take many years to rectify. Copper immobilizes sperm as it travels to the fallopian tubes. Your generous support (in any amount) makes a difference and is greatly appreciated. Most people however just think of the Pill's connection to estrogen, without making the copper connection. ~Dr. While oral contraceptive use is one contributing factor to estrogen dominance, largely adding to the problem is the increasing prevalence of xenoestrogens in our environment and lifestyle. Copper Toxicity Cause #2: Water Pipes. If you have a copper IUD and are experiencing adverse symptoms, then this post is for you. Prior to IUD insertion, Kirby had already struggled with side effects of copper toxicity, which was passed down by her mother in utero. Copper IUD (ParaGard) The copper IUD (ParaGard) contains no hormones and prevents pregnancy for up to 10 years. Enter: copper toxicity. Many of the emotional symptoms of PMS are also copper induced as estrogen rises during the cycle. "TMA studies frequently reveal elevated tissue copper in women taking oral contraceptive agents which has been confirmed by others, as well in women with copper intrauterine devices." She had been wearing a watch almost everyday for a long time, which she discovered the back was made of copper … Increasing calcium intake will further slow the rate of metabolism of these women and allow for greater accumulation of toxic metals in the body. Answer Save. Relevance. The copper IUD changes the environment in your uterus to make it toxic to sperm. Lawrence Wilson, "In a fair number of these women [on the Pill]...problems are often stated by other members of the family who have observed a total change of personality.”  ~Dr. Intrauterine device (IUD) with copper, also known as intrauterine coil, is a type of intrauterine device which contains copper. If you're high in estrogen, you'll be high in copper." I’ve never had a problem eating chocolate or any food with copper, but this iud nearly made me a paranoid schizophrenic. I have anxiety and the idea of not having to remember to take a pill or check in on anything really appealed to me. Nonetheless, countless people who have used ParaGard blame the IUD for symptoms related to copper toxicity, including anxiety, depression, fatigue, brain fog, and pain. "Blood clots and blockage of blood vessels are one of the most serious side effects of taking oral contraceptives and can cause death or serious disability." This explains why zinc and magnesium fall and why copper rises while on the OCP (oral contraceptive pill)." This information presented here also underscores the importance of catching copper imbalances in young girls before they enter adolescence. All estrogens cause copper accumulation, xenoestrogens look like estrogens to our biochemistry and hence also cause copper retention. [64], "One of the effects of Xenoestrogens is to reduce the excretion rate of copper from the body. Many women will begin taking an antidepressant without ever realizing that their symptoms were brought on by their birth control." We tested copper at 20, 40, and 60 times the clinical dosages to study copper toxicity under severe conditions. [42], "I will not treat a woman more than once, if at all, if she is using an IUD because it’s a certainty that it’s causing some, if not all of, her problems. However, the average copper IUD contains an exposable surface of 0.38 mg of copper, which is approximately already 1/3 of the copper I’d need … Growth hormones given to much of the (non-organic) livestock and poultry we eat is another source. Nonetheless, countless people who have used ParaGard blame the IUD for symptoms related to copper toxicity, including anxiety, depression, fatigue, brain fog, and pain. Thanks for watching this video guys! That’s what the end of this article is all about, getting the IUD Further, the copper IUD can cause copper toxicity, or excess copper in the body. I just want people to be aware that heavy metal toxicity is real and what to watch for. Anyone have the copper iUD and have copper toxicity. Once again, the more estrogen (regardless of source), in men or women, the higher the rate of copper retention in the body. So, while some tout the copper IUD as the hormone-free option, using it creates a risk of damaging the part of the body that regulates our natural hormones! A 1996 case study found that using a copper IUD can lead to severe copper allergy symptoms, such as uterine tissue inflammation and fluid build-up in vaginal tissues. The excess copper accumulation will further slow the rate of metabolism with both psychological and physical problems manifesting more frequently (Malter, 1985). Although the copper IUD doesn’t release hormones, it does in fact alter biochemistry in the body. Among the commonly understood side effects of the IUD are heavier, longer, more painful periods at first which may take up to a year to regulate. It has been estimated that almost 85% of females (of all age ranges) are adversely affected by a common, yet little known condition called copper overload or copper toxicity, and have no idea it’s the cause of their distress. When I Googled copper toxicity, it came up on the first page, in the third spot. After copper IUD insertion there is an increased copper release into the body, and both blood tests and hair tissue mineral tests may likely show this increase in copper levels. Estrogens in oral contraceptives resulted in copper levels exceeding those in the ninth month of pregnancy." I get A LOT of pushback when I mention it, because I’m basing this on anecdotal evidence. Also, the pill had been really hard on my body—from weight gain to potentially suicidal thoughts at times. Since the liver cannot produce ceruloplasmin, a protein that binds to copper, the copper is stored in soft tissue. What your doctor doesn’t know about the harmful side-effects of copper could significantly harm you. BUT I was just doing some extra research on it the other day, and came across a forum of a SHIT TON of women who have have the copper iud and all got copper toxicity from it! If there is an infection or inflammation in the body, the body will actively draw more copper from the IUD in an effort to fight the infection, which will create an imbalance of minerals and cause symptoms of copper toxicity, like those listed above. HOWEVER, what the media and doctors aren't teaching our women is that the non-hormonal IUD also increases the risk, as the poll on the right (or below on mobile device) shows. So, while some tout the copper IUD as the hormone-free option, using it creates a risk of damaging the part of the body that regulates our natural hormones! This is something your doctor will not tell you about. The mean range Copperiedus can occur from eating acidic foods cooked in uncoated copper cookware, an IUD, or from exposure to excess copper in drinking water and other environmental sources . As it happens, this can affect a woman’s hormones. As it happens, this can affect a woman’s hormones. Introducing extra copper into the body can throw off the balance and create problems. On that note, consider the unstable (negative) emotions associated with pregnancy, or post-partum, or with PMS. Hell no. The accumulation of excess copper will lead to greater storage in the liver and in the brain. This is important to be aware of, especially since we are constantly exposed to things that affect our hormone levels. After giving birth, if the mother is not able to detox her copper load (either through natural and healthy liver and bile functioning) or through breast-feeding, much of her elevated copper level remains stored in her body, a contributing factor to depression / PPD, and anxiety. Side effects of copper IUD as copper accumulates usually begin with increasing brain fog and fatigue, often paired with a racing mind. After looking into copper toxicity symptoms, I decided that's most certainly what I was experiencing and I made an appointment to get the IUD removed. Fatigue and exhaustion; hypothyroid; brain fog; headaches; migraines; mood swings; cold hands/feet; depression; dry skin; constipation; racing/pounding heart; concentration and memory [problems]; spaciness; overeating; high anxiety; PMS; bloating. Casper explains that copper can kill bacteria and fungus (you can even use it in your garden) and how it works well in humid environments. This page contains some content originally published in an article by Kathleen Taylor at. Here are some tips (based on my experience) that might help you detoxify your body from copper toxicity. ! The following are some of the more common symptoms of estrogen dominance: *cramping  *bleeding and clotting  *Fibroids . What are some of the other sources of copper that contribute to copper toxicity? Copper toxicity is a hidden epidemic. her physical and emotional side effects on Facebook: “these are most of the symptoms I had before getting the IUD removed…. These studies (61, 62, 63, 65) support that evidence, while hundreds of thousands of HTMA profiles (including the sample profile shown on the Testing page of this site) verify this connection. The aim was to ascertain any danger of copper toxicity with copper-medicated IUD use. The type of frame and amount of copper can affect the effectiveness of different copper IUD models. "Estrogen...has been shown to increase serum copper and ceruloplasmin levels in humans and rats...It may be concluded that estrogen therapy depletes hepatic stores of these elements with abnormal accumulation of copper in the brain." Copper dysregulation it can cause resulting from increased copper retention symptoms I had before getting the IUD as! 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